198 Search Results for video assessment

Message and Voice Banking

May 21, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Message and Voice Banking

People with declining speech abilities may wish to preserve some aspects of their speech through voice banking, message banking, and/or digital legacies. These are strategies used to digitally record speech by people with degenerative conditions, such as ALS/MND, for later use once their speech abilities decline. You can learn more about each strategy here.   Voice Banking Voice banking is a strategy for creating a synthetic version of someone’s voice for later use on speech generating devices (SGD). It involves recording hundreds or thousands of sentences so that the computer can sample the person’s vocal qualities in different linguistic contexts and use that information to create a synthetic voice modeled after the person’s own speech. Options for Voice Banking include: Model Talker CereVoice Me VocalID My Own Voice Message Banking Message banking is a strategy for creating a pool of pre-recorded messages using a person’s natural speech while it is... [Read More...]

Evidence-based Practice in AAC

May 7, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Dr. Jill Senner and Matthew Baud are staunch advocates for using research-based strategies and other evidence-based practices (EBP) in their AAC work.  In today’s post. they share their thoughts on what EBP is, why it is important for AAC professionals, and how to incorporate it into our clinical and educational practices. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Facts Matter: EBP in AAC Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been a buzz word in healthcare and education for almost two decades.  However, “it has been well documented in many disciplines that major gaps exist between what is known as effective practices (i.e., theory and science) and what is actually done (i.e., policy and practice)” (Fixsen et al., 2005, p. 2).  What is EBP, why is it important and how can we make sure we’re incorporating evidenced-based practices into our work with students and clients using AAC?  Let’s take a look at answers to each of these questions below.... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #19: May 2018

May 6, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #19: May 2018

Hello, May – you sure are keeping us busy! I hope your week was a little saner than mine. In case you missed them, here are some of last week’s posts. Monday – On the Same Page: Helping Team Members Recognize and Respond to Unconventional Communication Signals Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: iPad Apps for Learners with Complex Needs Thursday – AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: Evaluating Skills for Use of Comprehensive AAC Dynamic Display SGDs ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And if you have a bit more time, take a look at some of our previous posts. Saying ‘I love you’ on Mother’s Day AAC Immersion – Happy Mother’s Day! PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Are You My Mother? From ‘No AAC’ to ‘AAC All Day, Every Day!’ Autism and AAC: 5 Things I Wish I Had Known ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Check out these resources for Better Hearing and Speech Month.... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #11: March 2018

March 11, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #11: March 2018

It’s a wonderful week to support people with AAC needs. Here are a few posts you may have missed in your busy week. Monday – Expanding AAC Learners’ Single Word Utterances Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Building a Love of the Social World in a UDL Classroom Thursday – PrAACtical Research: Aided Language Input for People with Developmental Disabilities :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And if you have an appetite for a few more spoonfuls of AAC, here are a few past posts to sample. Supporting Communication Development in Children with Vision and Hearing Impairments Video of the Week: CVI – The Everyday Impact on People Who Use AAC PrAACtical Resources: High Contrast Core Vocabulary Board 5 Great Resources for Helping Individuals with Vision and Hearing Loss AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: The Eyes Have It-Assessment Considerations for High Tech Eye Gaze Access Hope you make a little AAC magic happen... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #8: February, 2018

February 18, 2018 by - 1 Comment

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #8: February, 2018

It was a week that started out like any other, but ended in heartache and tragedy for our South Florida community. Thanks to all who reached out with words of kindness and support. Monday – PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Yo! Yes? Wednesday – Video of the Week: Using Apps to Engage Young AAC Learners From the Archives: No Words – “We’re Hurting, Too” ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Reading is a welcome distraction from pain and sorrow. If you have an appetite for a little more AAC, check out these past posts on assessment. Parent’s Guide to AAC Assessment AAC Assessment by Pat Ourand PrAACtical Resources: AAC Assessment Modules AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: Standardized Tests For AAC Users AAC Assessment Forms ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February, 2018

February 4, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February, 2018

Busy week? Same here! We’ll fill you in on the AAC goodness from the ATIA 2018 Conference later in the week. In the meantime, here are a handful of posts you might have missed. Monday: PrAACtically February – AAC Resources for a Year of Core Words Wednesday: Video of the Week – Reading with AAC Across the Stages of Language Development ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And if you’d like to keep browsing, check out these past posts on access issues in AAC. AAC Access for Individuals with Significant Motor Limitations Through Partner Assisted Scanning Make It PrAACtical: DIY Switch-accessible Scanner Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners More on Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners Seating and Positioning for AT Access AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: The Eyes Have It-Assessment Considerations for High Tech Eye Gaze Access 

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #50: December, 2017

December 10, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #50: December, 2017

Baking, shopping, wrapping. Grading, report-writing. Ugly sweaters, Secret Santas, Elf on a Shelf, Mensch on a Bench. December is zooming by. If you missed a few posts, we get it. Put your feet up, take a breath, and click away! Monday – PrAACtical Research: AAC Intervention for Children with ASD Wednesday – Video of the Week: Parent’s Guide to AAC Assessment Thursday – PrAACtical Collaboration: Teaming Up to Build Communication with a Treat Cart (Part 1) Saturday – When Disaster Strikes: USSAAC’s Response to Families with AAC Needs Still in the AAC mood? Here’s a sampling of previous posts on cooking and AAC for your browsing pleasure. PrAACtical Supports for Older Learners: AT Recipes for Success, Part 5 – Let’s Cook! How I Do It: Cooking in the Classroom with Carol Goossens’ Literacy: Cookies & Core AACtual Therapy with Deanna Wagner: Why Cook When You Can’t Eat? PrAACtical Peek: Decorating Cookies

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #43: October, 2017

October 22, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #43: October, 2017

Between the AAC Awareness Activities, conferences, and preparations for Halloween, you might have missed these posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – AAC Awareness Month, Week 3: Look, Listen, & Learn Wednesday – PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book Thursday – AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: Ready, SETT, AAC Evaluate! Saturday – Faces of AAC: Making It Work in A Busy Family   Need a few more posts to browse? PrAACtically Halloween: Considerations for an AAC-friendly Halloween (downloads) Halloween Recipes: Cooking AAC Style AACtual Therapy: Teaching Comments and Social Phrases How We Do It: Handy Tools for Language Sampling in AAC Aided Language Input with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite

AAC Awareness Month, Week 3: Look, Listen, & Learn

October 16, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Awareness Month, Week 3: Look, Listen, & Learn

It’s not too late to celebrate the contributions of AAC or help build awareness of the field. In fact, we’re just getting started! If you are just joining this party, you might want to take a look at the resources in these posts. Week 1: Hands-on Activities Week 2: AAC Printables & Downloads In this third week, we’re turning inward and sharing ideas for how we can each grow our own skills for supporting people with AAC needs. Register for AAC-Everyone has a Voice! From Disability Rights NJ and ATAC Follow the USSAAC Webinar Series. On October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. ET Dr. Yoosun Chung will moderate a panel on Celebrating AAC Awareness Month. Podcasts are a great way to squeeze in some professional development, so consider listening to some AAC-related content while you exercise, drive, or just enjoy a cup of tea. Listen Up! AAC-related Podcasts  Learn by Listening... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 31: July 2017

July 30, 2017 by - 2 Comments

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 31: July 2017

Therapy sessions, interviews, classes, make-and-take, hands-on strategy practice, report-writing….It’s been an action-packed week around here, full of AAC and literacy learning. If you also had a busy week, you probably missed a few of these posts. Monday: PrAACtically August – AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Wednesday: When Helping Isn’t Helping-Prompt Awareness in AAC Instruction Thursday: Throwback Thursday – Support for Beginning AAC Communicators :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Looking for a few other posts to browse through? Here are some on AAC assessment that might be of interest. AAC Skills Assessment for Direct Selectors Observational Assessment of Beginning Communicators AAC Assessment for Children Who Speak AAC assessment modules AAC Assessment Forms See you next time!