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5 Great Sites for AAC Vocabulary Practice

November 26, 2012 by - 2 Comments

5 Great Sites for AAC Vocabulary Practice

We’re always happy to find sites that can be used to solidify new word learning. Once we completed a variety of activities for explicit instruction on new vocabulary, we start thinking about adding in some practice activities. Repetition with variety keeps the learners engaged and helps them cement their understanding of the target words. No more ‘learning to pass the quiz, then forgetting it all.’ With some extra effort, we can help our AAC friends hang onto the new knowledge that they’ve gained. Here are are some sites that you can use to create fun practice activities. Make acrostic poems with the target words Find related words with Word Hippo See how the target word relates to other concepts with Wordsift: Type the vocabulary word into the box to see a semantic web unfold. Explore a bunch of vocabulary games at Wordia Make a digital bulletin board around the new... [Read More...]