1789 Search Results for video of the week

Throwback Thursday: AAC at School

August 24, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: AAC at School

Here in the US, we’re heading back to school. Check out these posts if you need a little extra inspiration for an AAC-friendly experience. Back to School with AAC: Materials for the Start of the Academic Year Roadmap to a Communication-Positive School Video of the Week: Back to School AAC Tips Heading Back to School with AAC: Tips & Tools Supporting Young AAC Users in the Classroom Back to School with AAC Progress Monitoring for Secondary School Students AAC Goes to High School: Community-based Instruction PrAACtical Resources: AAC for School Staff  AAC Collaboration in the Classroom Back to School with AAC: Bulletin Board Printables

Throwback Thursday: Health-related Issues & AAC

August 17, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Health-related Issues & AAC

People with AAC needs face significant challenges in accessing appropriate medical care and getting the help they need to deal with illness, pain, and other symptoms. In today’s edition of Throwback Thursday, we reprise past posts on this topic that may be of interest. Supporting People with Significant Communication Challenges in Medical Encounters PrAACtical Resources: Chronic Pain Assessment in Children with Disabilities Growing AAC Professionals: Resources for Self-Advocacy, Reducing Abandonment, Medical Encounters, & More Pain in Children with Developmental Disabilities PrAACtically SLPs: Working with Children With Complex Medical Conditions Supporting Children in the Pediatric ICU 5 PrAACtical Resources For Better Communication Experiences with Healthcare Providers Growing AAC Professionals: AAC-friendly Classrooms, AAC for Toddlers, & AAC for Healthcare Providers Video of the Week: Equitable Health Access to Health Care for AAC Users

Throwback Thursday: AAC in Adolescence

August 10, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: AAC in Adolescence

Adolescents are a fun and exciting group to work with. In today’s post, we reach into the archives for some past posts that address some of the issues that arise in serving this age group. Starting AAC in the Teen Years: 3 Considerations for Families & Practitioners How I Do It Starting AAC with Teens & Young Adults by Angela Adams Pocket Flipbooks for Adults & Teens Pocket Flipbooks for Adults & Teens, Part 2 Pocket Flipbooks for Teens, Part 3 Conversation Practice with Teens and Young Adults by Angela Adams Faces of AAC – Zainab Omar Let’s Hit the Town, AAC Style Bridging Literacy and AAC for Adolescents Communication Strategies for Adolescents as They Transition through Adulthood AAC in Secondary School: Defining Age Respectful Video of the Week: AAC Intervention for Teens

Throwback Thursday: Writing AAC Goals

June 29, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Writing AAC Goals

Looking for information on writing AAC goals? These past posts may be of interest. AAC in School: Classroom Communication Goals Grid – Revised Using Visual Supports for Goal-Setting Conversations Three Ways to Use AAC Goals to Strengthen Implementation PrAACtically Pinteresting with Lauren Enders: Writing AAC Goals and Objectives More PrAACtical AAC Goals That Matter Writing Goals for AAC Learners AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: Laying a Solid Foundation 5 Common Challenges  Tools to Support Identification of AAC Learning Targets How I Do It: Writing IEP Goals for Students Who Use AAC with Lauren Enders PrAACtical Suggestions: Writing Goals for People Learning AAC Videos Writing AAC Goals On Writing AAC Goals Ready, Set, Goal Goal Writing for AAC Compliance Is Not the Goal

Throwback Thursday: Playing with AAC

June 22, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Playing with AAC

June is the perfect month to focus on having a little fun! Check out these past posts on AAC, play, and gaming. AAC in Secondary School: Using Games to Support AAC Learning for Older Students From Solitary Play to Interaction: 5 Things to Try With Kids Who Love Their iPad Games Let’s Play! Using Switch-accessible iPad Games for AAC Learning PrAACtical Resources: Structured Play Groups Building Sentence Length through Conversational Routines & Games 5 Quick and Easy Games That Build AAC Skills 5 Adapted Play Resources for Children with Motor Impairment Make It PrAACtical: DIY Adapted Toys Make It PrAACtical: Modify a Battery-Operated Toy to Make It Accessible by Switches PrAACtical Play: Creating Communication Opportunities with Favorite Toys Balance Pans: A Learning Toy that Helps Build Conversation Skills Video of the Week: Aided Language Input During Play Video of the Week: AAC & Board Games

Throwback Thursday: AAC Support for People with Aphasia

June 8, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: AAC Support for People with Aphasia

June is Aphasia Awareness Month, so we’re reprising some past articles and videos on supporting people with aphasia through AAC. When Language Is Lost: AAC Supports for Individuals with Aphasia Making It Work: 6 AAC Strategies for People with Aphasia Low Tech AAC for Adults with Aphasia: What Does That Mean? Bridging the Gap: Helping People with Aphasia to Compensate for Their Language Difficulties Aphasia, Supported Communication, Written Choice Strategy, + Variations 5 Questions about Aphasia & Communication Books A Fresh Look at AAC & Aphasia with Dr. Kristy Weissling Communication Books & Aphasia Aphasia & Supported Communication: What’s Volunteering Got to Do With It? AAC Assessment for People with Aphasia AAC & Aphasia: Resources in Support of National Aphasia Awareness Month Video of the Week: Life Participation & AAC Device Personalization for Adults with Aphasia Video of the Week: AAC & Aphasia Video of the Week- AAC Supports for... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Everything Eye Gaze

April 20, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Everything Eye Gaze

One of the significant changes in the AAC field over the last decade relates to the increased availability of affordable options for accessing SGDs and tablets through eye gaze and eye pointing. Here are some past posts on that topic. Articles PrAACtical Resources: Eye Gaze Set-up and Software PrAACtical Resources: Developing Touchscreen, Switch, and Eye Gaze Skills AACtual Therapy with Shareka Bentham: Navigating Eye Gaze for Beginning Communicators Speak to Me With Your Eyes, My Love Eye love… AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: The Eyes Have It-Assessment Considerations for High Tech Eye Gaze Access Videos Getting Started with Eye Gaze SGDs Partner Assisted Scanning + Eye Gaze Methods of Accessing AAC Systems Communication Through Eye Pointing From Switches to Eye Gaze Raising a Child Who Uses Eye Gaze AAC Technology Using an Eyegaze Board Eye Gaze Research Building PVC Stands for Eye Gaze & Tablets

Throwback Thursday: Visual Supports

March 9, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Visual Supports

Visual supports are so flexible, easy to create and use, and have such a nice evidence base that it’s something we use in almost every AAC therapy or instructional session. In today’s Throwback Thursday, we’re revisiting a handful of our past posts on what they are, how to create them, and how they can be implemented. Enjoy! Video of the Week: Video Models & Visual Supports for AAC PrAACtically Visual: More Supports for Your Toolbox Visuals, Timers, & Zoom Addressing the Social, Communication, and Behavioral Needs of  Secondary Students with ASD using Visual Supports AAC Teaching Tips on Scaffolding and Visual Supports 5 Visual Supports for Emotions and Feelings

Throwback Thursday: AAC & Vision Impairment

February 16, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: AAC & Vision Impairment

If you’re in the role of supporting people with AAC needs who have vision difficulties, this edition of Throwback Thursday is for you.  Check out these previously published articles and videos. Supporting Communication Development in Children with Vision and Hearing Impairments AAC & CVI: Can We Chat? Video of the Week: Exploring the Complexity of CVI and CCN Video of the Week: CVI – The Everyday Impact on People Who Use AAC Video of the Week: Supporting the Communication Needs of Children with CVI Video of the Week: The SLPs Role in Cortical Visual Impairment

PrAACtically Thanksgiving

November 17, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Thanksgiving

Here in the US, we’re gearing up to celebrate with friends and family on a day of gratitude. To honor the occasion, we’re reprising two posts you might enjoy. Video: ‘Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: I Eat Thanksgiving Dinner Although Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated everywhere, we share the opportunity to feel grateful.