181 Search Results for asha

PrAACtically December: A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

November 30, 2015 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically December: A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

The recent ASHA 2015 Conference in Denver provided even more  validation that core vocabulary is now a widely accepted practice in supporting language development in AAC learners. Presentation after presentation discussed the rationale, research support, and strategies for implementation. A few years ago, we suggested that one way to help strengthen learners’ abilities with core words is to take a different set of 12-20 core words each month and focus on them for a few weeks. How? By modeling those words, making resource materials (like word cards with the symbols), creating activities in which those words figure prominently, posting them in the classroom/therapy room, reading books that have heavy use of these words, sharing them with families, write stories using them, etc. Set 1 (2013): ask, favorite, goodbye, hear, of, please,silly, surprise, these, use, way, work Set 2 (2014): already, clear, doctor, fix, great, grow, her, high, jump, outside, ride, room,... [Read More...]

Presentation Handouts on AAC Implementation

November 17, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Presentation Handouts on AAC Implementation

It’s hard to get to every conference where high-quality information on AAC implementation is being shared. Here are some handouts on AAC implementation from presentations you may have missed. Models of Parent-implemented AAC Intervention for Children with Severe Autism (Wendt, et al 2014) AAC in the Pediatric ICU/Acute Care: Preparing a Child for an Upcoming Hospital Admission (Santiago, 2013) Teaching Preschoolers with Unintelligible Speech to Produce Rule-Based Sentences: AAC Solutions (Binger, 2014) Supporting Beginning Storytellers Who Use AAC (McLellan, 2014) Strategies for SLPs Working with Students with AAC Needs in Schools (Phillips, 2014)

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 46: November, 2015

November 15, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 46: November, 2015

It’s a busy week for AAC, with dozens of presentations on AAC and related topics at the annual ASHA convention. Here are some posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – How We Do It: A Classroom Journey with PODD by Rachael Langley Tuesday – On Full Sentences and Questions in AAC Systems Wednesday – Video of the Week: AAC Implementation with Children by Kate Ahern Friday – AAC Handouts from ASHA 2015

4 Things to Consider When Embracing a “New Normal”

September 8, 2015 by - 2 Comments

4 Things to Consider When Embracing a “New Normal”

It isn’t every day that we get to hear from AAC interventionists who’ve been doing this work for decades. Today, we are thrilled to welcome back SLP Marlene Cummings from Oakland Schools in Michigan.  Marlene has written several very popular posts on AAC in educational settings. (Click here to peruse them.) In this post, Marlene gets us thinking about ways to deal with change in a positive and sustainable fashion. Her passion for supporting both kids and colleagues is infectious. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I have the privilege, as part of a 5 member AAC Team, of supporting 28 school districts with more than 100 teams serving students with complex communication needs using AAC. The staff members and teams we support come with varied levels of knowledge, diverse experiences, and degrees of confidence. For us the new school year is just around the corner. We are already receiving calls and emails reporting... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: AAC Assessment by Pat Ourand

July 8, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Want to hear from a veteran SLP on AAC assessment? Check out this overview of AAC assessment principles and practices by SLP Pat Ourand. While anyone can view it, only ASHA members can earn free CEUs for the experience (available only during July 2015). You can register for this as a CEU course here. Kudos to ASHA for making this available in celebration of the 15th anniversary of their Professional Development unit. If you want ASHA to offer more professional development activities in AAC, let them know. They are very responsive to member feedback when planning future CEU activities. You can reach them at their Action Line (Members: 800-498-2071; Non-Members: 800-638-8255). You can view other CEU courses available for free this month on this ASHA webpage. The video is also available in non-CEU format via YouTube.  

How I Do It: Bilingual AAC Assessment Tips by Lindsay Oesch

July 6, 2015 by - 3 Comments

How I Do It: Bilingual AAC Assessment Tips by Lindsay Oesch

One of the things that I love most about where I live is the rich mix of cultural heritages and linguistic backgrounds in the clients we serve. It can be challenging to do a good assessment, though. Today, we hear from Lindsay Oesch who shares her thoughts on AAC assessments with children from bilingual environments. Don’t miss clicking through to get the parent questionnaires and other resources she shares in her post. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Beginning the AAC Assessment Process with Bilingual Children As a clinician in New York City, it is so exciting to be working with children ages 5-12 as a speech-language pathologist in one of the most culturally and linguistically dynamic places in the world.  It has also remained a major challenge to assess and treat children with speech and language impairment/delay who speak more than one language, in order to accommodate their specific language needs. Assessment for a communication... [Read More...]

How We Do It: AAC at the Larc School with Kaitlyn Connors and Rachel Egbert

May 18, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

How We Do It: AAC at the Larc School with Kaitlyn Connors and Rachel Egbert

In honor of ASHA’s Better Hearing and Speech Month, we’ve invited clinicians who use AAC in their schools to share a bit about their work here on PrAACtical AAC. Today’s post is from Kaitlyn Connors and Rachel Egbert, two school-based SLPs in New Jersey. For the past 8 years, Kaitlyn has worked with children who use AAC. She earned her Master’s degree from Ithaca College and remains passionate about AAC, and helping each student communicate to the best of their abilities. Rachel earned her Master’s degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2013.  She eagerly keeps abreast of the latest advances in AAC, which help her to deliver the most positive outcome possible for her students. Both Kaitlyn and Rachel currently serve students at Larc School. Beyond Requesting: PrAACtical Ideas for Building Language in the Classroom To take one student beyond requesting during snack time we implemented a core language board... [Read More...]

5 Ways to Use Word Clouds in AAC Therapy

April 27, 2015 by - 3 Comments

5 Ways to Use Word Clouds in AAC Therapy

Like many of you, I enjoy using fun websites in AAC therapy sessions. Word clouds are popular therapy tools, both because of their versatility and because they are fun and easy to make. Word clouds are images composed of words on a given topic, where the frequency of use of a word determines its size in the word cloud image. There are lots of websites and apps for this, and most are free. If you are looking for a way to build literacy into your language therapy activities, this may be an option worth exploring. Here are some ideas for prAACtical things to do. Build word knowledge: Use the word cloud to define new words, provide examples, and given synonyms. Once created, you can print these out for a word notebook or display on a vocabulary word wall. You can also keep a digital copy for a vocabulary notebook that... [Read More...]

Fun Finds at ATIA 2015

February 2, 2015 by - 2 Comments

Fun Finds at ATIA 2015

The ATIA 2015 Conference was one of the best ever, with strong presentations, a vibrant exhibit area, lots of fun social events, and great networking opportunities. There were lots of highlights, but here are a few prAACtical ‘finds’ that might interest you. Spanish version of Word Power: The language options for AAC devices and apps keeps getting better and better! I love that you can purchase the Spanish pageset/voices, then configure Word Power so that the user can toggle back and forth between English and Spanish user profiles. Once configured, your client can independently go from English to Spanish words, phrases, grammar, and voices (and vice versa). This will help our prAACtical friends who speak English in school and Spanish at home. I explored it on the Nova Chat from Saltillo but there is also a Spanish add-on to the TouchChat app. Book Bridge: We’re all looking for better ways to make... [Read More...]

4 Handouts from Conference Presentations on AAC

January 8, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

4 Handouts from Conference Presentations on AAC

Travel budgets are limited these days and we can’t always get to the conferences we’d love to attend. In case that happens to you, too, here are some presentation handouts on AAC-related topics from ISAAC 2014, ASHA 2014 and other conferences. Gloria Soto, Dan Phillips, and Michaela Sullivan on Strategies for SLPs Working With Students With AAC Needs in Schools Gretchen Hanser on Writing for Students with Angelman Syndrome Penny Hatch and Allison Dennis on  Getting to the Core: Creating a Core Vocabulary for the Common Core Amy Wetherby on the trajectory of development for toddlers with developmental disabilities