78 Search Results for emergent literacy

Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP

June 7, 2021 by - 3 Comments

Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP

It’s graduation season here in the U.S. and there’s no better time to celebrate the graduates and those future professionals who have developed a passion for AAC. In today’s post, Krista Davidson introduces us to her student, Madie Kroehler, who generously shares the work she did for an independent study on AAC and emergent literacy. Enjoy! Growing AAC Professionals: AACessible Literacy: Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC SLP This month I am excited to bring you a post from one of our first-year graduate students, Madie Kroehler! Madie participated in an Independent Study with me this Spring. After discussing numerous possibilities for topics, we settled on AAC and literacy. We met every other week to consult on her readings and research. What evolved from those initial discussions culminated in something quite impressive. And with that, I’ll let Madie tell you in more detail how the project developed… The final project... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Embedding Core Vocabulary Instruction into Emergent Literacy Routines

September 16, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Embedding Core Vocabulary Instruction into Emergent Literacy Routines

It’s difficult to find enough instructional time during the school day to address all of the goals and priorities that we have for AAC learners. In today’s featured video, Dr. Lori Geist shares ideas for how we can integrate the teaching and practice of core vocabulary with emergent literacy activities and routines. You can obtain the handouts for this session here. Many thanks to Dr. Geist and to the amazing team at CoughDrop for creating and sharing this wonderful presentation that was part of the AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1VCXGsPKaM&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=CoughDrop

AAC and Emergent Literacy: 5 Posts with Implementation Ideas

January 5, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC and Emergent Literacy: 5 Posts with Implementation Ideas

Looking to infuse additional activities to support the reading and writing development of the AAC learners with whom you work? Today, we’re revisiting some popular posts with helpful ideas and resources. Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC A PrAACtical Literacy Activity for Beginning Communicators  Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learner Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies  Literacy for All: A Series of Videos by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite  Hope you find some useful tips and suggestions.

Emergent Literacy Work in AAC Therapy Sessions

September 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Emergent Literacy Work in AAC Therapy Sessions

We strive to use some of our therapy time to build the literacy skills with all of our beginning communicators. It’s not easy. First, because they often have little to no interest in it (at first), but mostly because our time together is quite limited. Here are some of the things we’ve been doing. Having our clients sign in themselves (Think: name stamps, stickers, tracing, or even making a mark) Looking for their name on their therapy room door: We make signs and print two copies. We give them one in the waiting room so that they can match it to the sample on the door. Formatting the visual schedule so that the client does some writing (Think: check box, crossing off the activity when finished) Picking a book or the topic: For some of clients we use the books themselves, but for most we use their AAC. It’s time... [Read More...]

AACtual Therapy: Building Language and Emergent Literacy Skills with ‘Do You Wear Diapers?’

September 18, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy: Building Language and Emergent Literacy Skills with 'Do You Wear Diapers?'

What’s more fun than using story books to teaching language to young children with AAC needs? Today, we hear from Kimberly Scanlon, an SLP practicing in New Jersey. Kimberley is is a devoted mom, wife and dog lover and blogs at Scanlon Speech and My Toddler Talks. She is the author of My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Language Development and is finishing a unique picture and activity workbook, Learning to Read is a Ball. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hold on to your undies, today we’re going to talk about poop, diapers, and the location of where various animals go potty. Sounds like a good time, right? Kidding aside, in this post I’m going to show you how to use this adorable picture book, Do You Wear Diapers? by Tanya Roitman to facilitate language and emergent literacy development in toddlers and preschoolers. What’s this book about? It’s a potty book! This adorable board book... [Read More...]

Site of the Month: Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities

June 29, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Site of the Month: Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities

Looking for comprehensive information on effective literacy instruction and research-based strategies to support students with significant cognitive disabilities and complex communication needs? Today, we highlight the Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities website, a resource developed by the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC) that can be used in planning a new literacy program or enhancing one already in existence.  The site is broken down into 6 main areas. Getting Started provides a framework for this instruction and offers guidance for determining whether instruction for individual learners should focus on emergent or conventional literacy.  The Access to Communication section offers a number of resources to support access to and early development of skills in the areas of linguistic, social, operational, and strategic competence.  Access to appropriate reading material and to effective writing supports both contain important foundational information and practical resource suggestions. More in-depth information is also provided for emergent literacy... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Fostering Emergent Writing in AAC Users

October 9, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Decorative image with text: Video of the Week: Fostering Emergent Writing in AAC Users

How can we support our AAC users in their journey to develop literacy skills? In today’s featured video, Cecilia Marietti shares some ideas for promoting the development of emergent writing. Many thanks to Cecilia and Saltillo for this helpful information. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l23gpkrVl6M Note: The handout was not available online at the time of publication. 

AACtual Therapy: AAC, Literacy and Squishy Books

May 23, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy: Literacy and Squishy Books

Looking for a fun way to integrate more emergent literacy into your AAC work? You’re in the right place! Today, SLPs Maggie Judson and Jeanna Antrim share one of their many ideas for engaging therapy sessions. Maggie and Jeanna who work in the Assistive Technology Department for the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative (BASSC) in southern Illinois. They are AT/AAC facilitators and provide evaluations, direct therapy, consultations, and trainings with school teams. You can see a previous guest post that Jeanna wrote here. Let’s hear how they make and use squishy books in their therapy sessions. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC, Literacy and Squishy Books If you’ve done any reading or research around the topic of AAC and literacy, you know that students with complex communication needs do not typically get the same kinds of experiences with literacy activities as do their peers (Light & Kent-Walsh, 2003).  So we are always on the... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Resources: CandLE Literacy for All

November 5, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: CandLE Literacy for All

Looking for literacy resources to help in your teaching of individuals with AAC needs? Today, we travel to the UK to learn from the team at Communication and Learning Enterprises (CandLE). Their Literacy for All program has been in development for over 15 years and is broken down into 6 elements: Communication Emergent literacy Literacy needs assessment Conventional literacy Thinking skills Mainstream curriculum support On the site, they detail their process for each of these elements and give implementation tips and examples. For those who are interested, they also link to a companion site where their literacy resources are sold. You can explore their site here.

Supporting AAC Learners in Emergent Writing: 5 Helpful Resources

December 8, 2016 by - 4 Comments

Supporting AAC Learners in Emergent Writing: 5 Helpful Resources

Looking for ways to help AAC learners of any age develop meaningful writing skills? These helpful resources may be of interest. “There is No Can’t” by Jane Farrall and Sally Clendon  Emerging Writers and AAC by Jane Odom  Alternative Pencils: What Does the Research Say?  Emergent Literacy Beginnings and Goals for Children with Angelman Syndrome by David Koppenhaver and Susan Norwell (information applicable to a broader range of people who use AAC) Can Low-incidence Students Become First-time Writers? By Janet Sturm  Happy exploring!