Getting More Comfortable with AAC Practices Using Stepping into AAC (Weeks 9-12)

Welcome back to our series on using the Stepping into AAC materials. If you are new to this approach to getting started with AAC, you may want to look at some of the earlier posts.
- Introduction: A PrAACtical Guide to Stepping into AAC
- Week 1: Starting a Journey with Stepping into AAC
- Weeks 2-5: Building a Foundation with Stepping into AAC
- Weeks 6-8: Customizing AAC Tools with Stepping into AAC
In Weeks 9-12, we ramp up our efforts to build habits of daily AAC use with a focus on daily routines and play/leisure.
Target words for Weeks 9-12: can, get, help, I, more, open, that, finished, what, who
Communicative Intent: asking and answering questions, asking for help, protesting, rejecting, showing off
Hands-on activities: Make plans to spend 10 minutes a day doing these simple activities that will help you build the AAC habits that support your learner’s use of AAC. Use your communication board (or AAC device) on a daily basis to:
- Ask,
- Create,
- Find,
- Look,
- Play,
- Practice,
- Say,
- Share,
- Think,
- Try, and
- Watch.
Knowledge + Action = Power
Videos: We continue to expand our knowledge base in AAC with topics like language development, AAC and self-determination, and scaffolding to support AAC learning. Most of the videos, however, highlight prAACtical applications. Don’t miss the demonstrations in our AAC language walk-throughs for mealtimes, getting dressed, games, playing with building/construction toys, and creativity.
Print Resources: Several helpful handouts are available for you to view, download, and share. Topics include making space for AAC, supporting self-determination, using scaffolding to teach new communication skills, fostering motivation to initiate AAC use, and building self-advocacy. Consider sharing those that are relevant with your AAC learner’s school team and therapy providers.
Let’s look at what will be covered in this 4-week period.
- The Value of Language in Daily Routines
- Language Development and AAC
- Learning AAC Through Immersion
- Language Walk-Through: Mealtime
- Making Space for AAC
- Scaffold AAC Learning
- Self-Determination
- Building AAC Learning Into Daily Routines
- AAC All Day Long
- Language Walk-Through: Getting Dressed
- Building Authentic Interaction with AAC
- Modeling Self-advocacy
- Language input in AAC
- Regulatory Functions of Communication
- Language Walk-Through: Building Toys
- Turn-taking
- Building Intrinsic Motivation for Initiation of Communication
- Beyond Requesting: Non-Regulatory Functions of Communication
- Communication Bill of Rights:
- Language Walk-Through: Games and Creative Play
We hope you enjoy this segment of your AAC journey with Stepping Into AAC! See you next time for a deep dive into AAC and reading.
Filed under: Featured Posts
This post was written by Carole Zangari