AAC in Everyday Life with Stepping into AAC (Weeks 15-17)

July 22, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in Everyday Life with Stepping into AAC (Weeks 15-17)
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Today we return to the Stepping Into AAC series to highlight another segment in this journey. If you missed the earlier posts, you can view those using the links below.

Target Words: here, in, make, need, on, put, up, when, you

Communicative Intents: Explaining, making choices, statements, ‘tell about’

Hands-on Activities: Keep working to build a daily routine that includes 10 minutes of AACtion steps. In this segment, you will focus on

  • Asking
  • Finding
  • Looking
  • Observing
  • Planning
  • Playing
  • Pointing
  • Practicing
  • Saying
  • Sharing

Videos: Get ready to take AAC outside and into the community. 

Print Resources: View and share the information on changing the trajectory of AAC learning, treating AAC users with respect, social communication, how to use AAC for commenting, integrating AAC using the Before-During-After approach, and developing a vision of successful AAC use.


  • Communicating with Picture Symbols
  • Using the Before-During-After Framework to Integrate AAC into Active Conversations
  • Cycle of Perception, Expectation, Opportunity & Achievement: Changing the Trajectory of AAC Learning
  • Communication Bill of Rights: Treating AAC users with dignity & respect
  • Language Walk-though: Wet & Messy Activities


  • AAC Always Available for Communication
  • Commenting with AAC
  • Valuing the Role of Social Communication
  • Communication Bill of Rights: Social Communication
  • Language Walk-through: Parks and Playgrounds


  • Developing a Vision for Successful AAC Use
  • Beyond Good Intentions
  • Language Walk-through: Shopping

We’ll see you next time as we head into the community and use AAC to communicate on the go.

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This post was written by Carole Zangari

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