Video of the Week: Using Eyegaze

September 28, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Using Eyegaze

If you’re just getting started with people who have motor impairments, you are probably thinking a lot about access. While you are getting that figured out, eye gaze can be an easy and powerful way to get the communication going. Another great video by Crystal and Kelly from the Thames Valley Children’s Centre!    

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Video of the Week: Using an Alphabet FlipBook for Writing

September 14, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Like many of you, we strive to give access to the alphabet to our prAACtical friends who are still developing their writing skills. It can get a little tricky when the person has significant motor impairments, though. If you’ve ever thought about introducing an alphabet flipbook with partner-assisted scanning, this is a video you might want to see. Thanks to the wonderful clinicians at Thames Valley Children’s Centre for this helpful video!

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Video of the Week: Everything You Wanted to Know about Switches

August 31, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Everything You Wanted to Know about Switches

Today, we go back to the resources at PaTTAN, this time to learn about switches from OT Karen Kangas. These two videos are from a full day workshop, which is a lot to get through, but if you need information on this topic, this is a great resource. You can view Part 1 here and Part 2 here.  

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Video of the Week: PODD in the ASD Classroom

August 17, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: PODD in the ASD Classroom

When something works, it’s worth sharing. This week, we travel to the UK, where SLP Laura Tarver gives a quick overview of using PODD books in a classroom of children with ASD at Eagle House Primary School. You can learn more about PODD here. Direct Link to Video:  

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Video of the Week: Every Move Counts

July 27, 2014 by - 1 Comment

“Empowerment and participation come with the ability to to experience the world and communicate.” We’ve talked before about Every Move Counts, a program for building communication in individuals with significant sensory motor difficulties. If you aren’t familiar with what it has to offer, take a look. Direct Link to Video –  

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