Celebrate AAC Awareness Month!

October 10, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Celebrate AAC Awareness Month with PrAACtical AAC Giveaways

It’s been an exciting beginning to AAC Awareness Month! There were many lucky winners in Celebration #1!  The winners for PrAACtical AAC Celebration are # 1 are Susan J., Linda K., Tracey Z., Lauren E., Jeanne T., Krista C., Alison A., Robin S., Laura K., Cassandra S., Becky K., Claire G., Susan G., Melissa S., Felicia W., Alecia W., Diane F., Danette P., Doug M., Shannon L., Jeannie M., & Barbara F.      Congratulations to the winners!  Please join us in giving virtual round of applause to these generous companies: Ablenet, Inc Alexicom BeeVisual Choice Works Dynavox Hump Software Mozzaz News-2-You Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company Safe N Sound Mobile Silver Lining Multimedia Smarty Ears Speak For Yourself  SpeechPathology.com TapSpeak TherapyBox/TBoxApps Look for a new PrAACtical AAC Celebration on Friday (tomorrow).  

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Teach Me Tuesday: Alexicom AAC

October 8, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Teach Me Tuesday: Alexicom AAC

Teach Me Tuesday is a new feature that offers prAACtical resources for our colleagues who are looking to learn more about SGDs and AAC apps. Each week, we’ll share training resources that we’ve found to be helpful for those of us teaching ourselves how to use these things. There is no rhyme or reason to which ones we share each week, and endorsement should not be implied. As always, it’s up to each SLP and team to make recommendations based on their assessment data and other relevant factors. If you have devices or apps that you need to know more about, feel free to contact us and we will put that on our list. If you are an author, vendor, or developer who wants to share materials with us, we certainly welcome and appreciate that, but they must come with no strings attached. The product may or may not get... [Read More...]

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30 Posts You May Have Missed in September

October 7, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

30 Posts You May Have Missed in September

Strategy of the Month  Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities into AAC Therapies AAC & Literacy: Setting the Stage Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learners Literacy for Everyone with Adapted Books PrAACtical Thinking PrAACtical Resources: A Look at the NJC The PrAACtical Power of Contrast 31 Posts You May Have Missed in August  Literacy: Cookies & Core 5 Things to Love About the SETT Framework 10 Tips to Encourage Love of Literacy 5 Easy Ways to Add Authentic Writing Experiences to Your AAC Therapy AAC & Dinosaur Apps for Literacy & Language 5 AAC Strategies and the Use It of Loose It Philosophy 10 AAC Intervention Apps We Can’t Live Without 5 Things to Consider About Prompts in Teaching AAC Loving Literacy in AAC Keep Calm & Write ON.. fro All Writers Thoughts on Involving Our Clients in AAC Vocabulary Selection Presuming Competence & Teaching AAC 5 reasons We Don’t (Typically) Use... [Read More...]

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5+ Fun AAC Things To Do To Get Ready For Halloween

October 4, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Fun AAC Things To Do To Get Ready For Halloween

We love to start planning for holidays early. It helps facilitate conversation before, during, & after exciting activities and events. When we begin using core and fringe vocabulary early, frequently, and authentically the learner has the most opportunity for success. Use Schedules: Use a monthly calendar to have a Halloween countdown, Use mini-schedules to make food recipes, spooky science concoctions, or even to plan the trick or treating routes. Use a small talk app like Fat Cat Spooky Chat to prAACtice what you will SAY (October core words) on Halloween. Use a social narrative to prepare everyone for what to expect on and around Halloween. More Halloween social narratives can be found at Autism Community, One Place for Special Needs, Katherine Sanger You Tube, & Kentucky Autism Training Center Prepare a choice board of Halloween costume options and let the learner decide on the costume. PrAACtice a script to be... [Read More...]

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How I Do It: Implementing Aided Language Input with Alicia Garcia

October 3, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

How I Do It: Implementing Aided Language Input with Alicia Garcia

We are so pleased to have reconnected with SLP Alicia Garcia and are even more delighted that she agreed to do a guest post. Alicia is the clinical lead of the AAC Clinic at One Kids Place, a children’s treatment centre in northern Ontario. She has over 20 years of experience in pediatric rehabilitation practice in private and public settings, including clinical practice in AAC clinics and programs in Wisconsin, Florida, and now in Ontario. In this post, Alicia addresses one of our favorite clinical strategies in a very prAACtical way. Implementing Aided Language Stimulation: 8 Frequent Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Aided Language seems like a simple concept: Partners should model or demonstrate picture communication when talking to children who are learning to use picture communication, so that they would learn by example. Yet, when it comes to implementation we see frequent mistakes and misinterpretations. The most commons being:... [Read More...]

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Watch It Wednesday- Assistive Technology Impacts Reading & Writing!

October 2, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Watch it Wednesday: Assistive Technology Impacts Reading and Writing

Another must watch  TED Talk.  Learn how assistive technology helped Ron McCallum prove his mother wrong. He discusses how technology has progressed to improve every aspect of his reading and writing life. He advocates for full accessibility of written material for everyone in every country.

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Second Annual AAC Awareness Month Celebration: A PrAACtical Giveaway!

October 1, 2013 by - 6 Comments

Second Annual AAC Awareness Month Celebration

AAC  Awareness Month is something worth celebrating. From the amazing clients we get to work with, to the professionals who put their hearts into this work, to the families who make real change possible, to the researchers and scholars who give us evidence on which to base our practices, to the wonderfully supportive community of manufacturers and developers, AAC is a wonderful field. It’s time for a prAACtical celebration! Thanks to the generosity of a lot of companies and individuals, we’re hosting our second annual AAC Awareness Month Giveaways with drawings on October 9th and 30th.  As you can see, we’ve had prizes donated from many wonderful people and organizations: Ablenet, Inc Abilipad Alexicom BeeVisual/ChoiceWorks Dynavox/Mayer Johnson  Handhold Adaptive Hump Software MarbleSoft Mozzaz News-2-You Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company  Safe N Sound Mobile Silver Lining Multimedia Smarty Ears Speak For Yourself SpeechPathology.com SpeechTree TapSpeak TherapyBox/TBoxApps TouchChat Verbally  How Does It... [Read More...]

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All About Literacy: Past Posts

September 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

All About Literacy: Past Posts

We say goodbye to International Literacy Month.  It’s time to move on…. to International AAC Month (exciting things to come  😉 ). But, just in case you missed any of our past posts about literacy, here they are all together. Reasons to Discover & Love MeeGenius 5 Ways to Help People with AAC Needs Develop Inner Speech 5+ Sites for Free AAC Friendly Literacy Resources Making Decisions About Reading Accessibility Options Loving Literacy Resources Making Libraries Inclusive 5 Things We Love for Supporting Literacy Learning by People Who Use AAC 5 Ways to Make Page Fluffers & Spacers 14 Valentines Day Activities:m Love, Literacy, & Learning  The Joy of Reading: World Book Day 5 More Resources and Ideas for World Book Day Literacy, AT,, & Students with Significant Disabilities PrAACtically Ready to Read 7 Apps and Activities for ALL Writers Literacy For All: A Video Series by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite... [Read More...]

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5 Free AAC Learning Resources

September 27, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Free Learning Resources

  Learn with the Experts Anytime and Any Place Ablenet Professional Development– Ablenet provides free live and recorded webinars by experts in various areas of AAC.  The topics range from helping add assistive technology (AT) into IEP’s, to Apps & AAC, to literacy, and much much more.  Special Education Technology British Columbia Learning Centre– A variety of recorded webinars on a wide range of AAC topics. The RERC on Communication Enhancement– A variety of recorded webinars about a variety of AAC topics. Augmentative and Alternative Communication Webinar- Autism Speaks– This webinar was recorded in 2012 but focuses on AAC & Autism. Working Without Words: AAC & Technology in the Workplace by Florida Center for Inclusive Communities–   Provides an overview of AAC and its applicability in the workforce.  Strategies for supporting AAC users and people using AAC in the workplace will be  highlighted.  Florida Center for Inclusive Communities also offers a variety of... [Read More...]

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