Teach Me Tuesday: The Grid

November 19, 2013 by - 3 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday: The Grid

This week in Teach Me Tuesday we’re learning more about The Grid 2 AAC Software. Here are the learning resources we’ll be using. Overview/Introduction Download a 60-day free trial of The Grid 2 Overview of the Grid Page Sets Download The Grid 2 Manual and Training Cards Creating User Files Editing the Speech Output Settings Changing the Text on a Cell/Button Changing the Pictures on a Cell/Button Changing the Spoken Message/Sound on a Cell/Button Linking Pages with Jump Cells Move Pages within Grid The Grid Player Manual (app) If you know of other applicable resources, please add them in a comment below. See you next time!  

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How Do You Teach Others To Implement AAC Facilitation Skills?

November 18, 2013 by - 1 Comment

How Do You Teach Others To Implement AAC Facilitation Skills?

We’ve learned many ways to do this, but here’s one of our favorites. The idea originally came from a presentation by Dr. Beth Foley, Dean of the School of Education at Utah State University.  The process is as elegant as it is simple. I do it, you watch me. I do it, you help me. You do it, I help you. You do it, I watch you. Do you have a favorite strategy for helping others become good AAC partners? We’d love to hear about it.  

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Fast FAACt Friday: AAC’s First Appearance in the Professional Literature

November 15, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Fast FAACt: AAC’s First Appearance in the Professional Literature

Today’s Fast FAACt deals with the origins of AAC in clinical practice. Many people assume that AAC is a new field. While it certainly doesn’t have as long a history of as articulation or fluency disorders, neither did it just pop up in the last decade. Or the the previous one, or the one before that. When did AAC first appear in the professional literature? If you guessed the 80’s,you’re off by a bit. the 1970’s? Not quite. As far as we can tell the first published article on augmentative communication strategies was in the early 1950’s. The topic? Augmenting communication for people with aphasia. Here’s the reference: Goldstein, H., & Cameron, H. (1952) New method of communication for the aphasic patient. Arizona Medicine, 8, 17-21.  

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Throwback Thursday- Say This, Not That to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning

November 14, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Say This, Not That for Vocabulary Learning

Vocabulary Reinforcement- Worth Repeating (originally published 11/15/12) Part of TEACHING vocabulary to AAC users (or any learner) involves reinforcement. Reinforcement is more than just facilitating positive self esteem. It is also about providing feedback that will help increase the skill you are trying to teach. It’s more than learning specific new words but also about strategies to attack learning  new words outside of the therapy or classroom environment. Below are some examples of ways to make the most of your reinforcement and some ways to NOT.  (click for some great written reinforcement examples).  🙂 SAY THIS… General Principles of Reinforcement for Vocabulary:   Be specific to the goal. Use words that explain the skill you want to occur more often.  Use excited positive vocal inflection, Be impressed! We are continuing with the example of teaching the word consumed from Carole’s post on Monday, What Makes A Good Vocabulary Teaching Activity. ‘Wow you discovered a... [Read More...]

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Hockey Lessons

November 12, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Hockey Lessons

When WrightsLaw  posted the video below on Facebook, we just had to share it on our PrAACtical AAC FB page. If you haven’t seen this clip from Special Hockey International, do yourself a favor and watch it.  We may not be the world’s biggest hockey fans, but we got something quite meaningful from this clip and think you will, too. Here are the some of the things we’ve been pondering after watching the video. 1. Friendship matters. Teaching friendship skills is central to our mission as SLPs, not a trivial thing that we might focus on after all the other goals are accomplished. If our AAC learners have no real relationships outside of their own families and those professionals and caregivers paid to work with them, how much impact  have our therapies really made? If they are lonely, has what we’ve done really mattered? 2. A single act of kindness can change... [Read More...]

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10 Apps to Gift to an AAC SLP

November 11, 2013 by - 1 Comment

10 Apps to Gift to an AAC SLP

It’s definitely time to think about the holidays because they are almost here. Apps are often a great gift for your colleagues or for the SLP working with your child. Here are just a few suggestions that will help the SLP.  Please feel free to share others you think should be added to this list.     Evaluation Genie – This app is an informal assessment tool that helps with identifying skill areas that relate specifically to the language representation methods commonly found on augmentative communication systems. There are 14 subtests that help with identifying the features for an AAC device that a student would need. The student responses are recorded and easily reportable. ATEval2Go – designed helps guide you through a template for technology considerations so that the SLP can document observations and information in a structured manner.  All the documentation can then generate an editable usable report. Additionally, a goal bank can be... [Read More...]

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Fun Friday: Holiday Shopping with a Purpose, Part 1

November 8, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Fun Friday Holiday Shopping with a purpose

The holidays are prAACtically here and depending upon the holiday traditions you celebrate they may be closer than you realize.  Chanukah begins the day before thanksgiving and we never think it is too early to shop for Christmas or any other holiday, so here are some great companies to help you get started.  We will update this holiday shopping list a few times throughout this holiday season. Please send any additional companies you feel should be included.  Paper Clouds Apparel– Get t-shirts, hats, and totes featuring artwork designed by individuals with special needs. Paper Clouds apparel also hires individuals with special needs to package all of the products.  and more.  Paper Clouds Apparel was formed to showcase the creative minds and artistic abilities of individuals with special needs while raising funds to provide financial support for special needs schools and organizations. Fifty percent of the net proceeds from the sale of... [Read More...]

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