AACtual Therapy with Shareka Bentham: Navigating Eye Gaze for Beginning Communicators

May 29, 2014 by - 6 Comments

Today, we welcome back Shareka Bentham, who has told us about her AAC adventures with the Harlem Shake, a field trip, and more. In this post, she shares her experiences in getting little ones started on the intentional use of eye gaze for communication. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I think that most Speech & Language Therapists have those moments in therapy where they’re wondering “Am I doing the right thing here??” I have been feeling that way recently in my practice as I have been nudged into the world of using the head and eyes for communication.  I was (with extensive research) once able to use an eye gaze board quite successfully with an adult patient in the final stages of ALS, but I had never used such techniques in my paediatric clinic. However, I now have a few little ones on my caseload who have severe physical limitations, and are unable to... [Read More...]

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ILT 2014 – A Connected AT Community

May 28, 2014 by - 3 Comments

ILT 2014 - A Connected AT Community

Recently, I had the opportunity to share some thoughts on AAC at the Spectronics Inclusive Learning Technology (ILT) Conference, in Gold Coast, Australia. It’s hard to explain the level of enthusiasm and energy for all things AAC and AT to those who aren’t familiar with that passionate group of professionals and parents. As a newbie, I was especially impressed with the level of warmth and support provided to anyone there who reached out for information or encouragement, and the ways that the speakers helped participants come away totally re-energized. Since it may have been a bit too far away for many of our prAACtical friends, I thought I’d share some of the websites of other keynote speakers and featured presenters I met along the way. Jason Gibson and Jason Carroll (Systems of Support) – Who challenged us to set smart goals for ourselves, not just the learners we serve Kevin Honeycutt – Who... [Read More...]

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Low Tech AAC for Adults with Aphasia: What Does That Mean?

May 27, 2014 by - 1 Comment

Low Tech AAC for Adults with Aphasia: What Does That Mean?

  Aphasia Awareness Month is just around the corner, and getting us ready for that is this wonderful post on using low tech AAC with people who have aphasia. We’re delighted to welcome back our friend and colleague, Dr. Kristy Weissling, who is collaborating with Heather Buhr, to share some thoughts on this topic. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For many, the term Augmentative and Alternative (AAC) brings to mind technology, speech-generating devices, and now – more than ever before – iPads.  But as we know, AAC encompasses much more than that. We all use AAC when we make facial expressions or gestures, use symbols or pictures, or write.  We would like to explore AAC and more “low-tech” options that help our clients express their thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas.  Low-tech strategies can range from the use of written choice, to communication boards, to communication books.  In this article we will specifically address communication... [Read More...]

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Posts from PrAACtical Week 21: May, 2014

May 24, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Posts from PrAACtical Week 21: May, 2014

Sunday – Video of the Week: An App for Giving Opinions Monday – Strategy of the Month: Building Positive Interactions with CAAP Tuesday – Teach Me Tuesday: Touch Chat  Wednesday – How I Do It with Harmony Turnbull: The Importance of Support and Supervision in Providing AAC Services  Thursday – Listen Up! AAC Podcasts You Might Enjoy Friday – The Velcro Rule with Jeanne Tuthill

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The Velcro Rule with Jeanne Tuthill

May 23, 2014 by - 35 Comments

We’re happy to have SLP Jeanne Tuthill back with a brief post on one of our all-time favorite products. Since we have a few folks who are new to AAC, we thought it would be great to review this simple guideline. We’ve known to break a few rules but this one is sacrosanct. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Recently, on PrAACtical AAC, there was a blog post that poked a little fun at fellow practitioners with a tongue-firmly-in-cheek list of ways to determine if you might be an AAC therapist (You Might be an AAC Therapist If…).  I am guilty of far too many items on that list (Hello, my name is Jeanne and I am an AAC therapist…) and I even added a few of my own idiosyncrasies in the comments section – just for good measure!  One of the things I added to the list was:  “You get irrationally upset when someone doesn’t... [Read More...]

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Listen Up! AAC-related Podcasts You Might Enjoy

May 22, 2014 by - 1 Comment

Listen Up! AAC-related Podcasts You May Enjoy

For today’s post, we turn to the Texas Assistive Technology Network’s Podcast Project, under the direction of AT specialist Mike Marotta. They were recorded during their 2012 conference. Podcasts are really efficient ways of learning for people who are always on the go. You can listen to them on the computer, your phone, in the car, and on your walks. Prefer to read? The transcripts are also available. Here are a few that we thought you might like.  Featuring Gail Van Tatenhove Featuring Denise DeCoste Featuring Vicky Roy

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“How I Do It” with Harmony Turnbull: The Importance of Support and Supervision when Providing AAC Services

May 21, 2014 by - 3 Comments

"How I Do It" with Harmony Turnbull: The Importance of Support and Supervision when Providing AAC Services

We are so thrilled to have a guest post today, from Australian SLP Harmony Turnbull. Harmony is a Consultant Speech Pathologist for Ageing, Disability and Home Care in NSW, Australia. In her role, she provides support and supervision to senior speech pathologists, carries a small caseload of people with complex needs and provides expert consultancy for management. She has specialised in supporting people with disabilities including complex communication needs for 11 years and is addicted to networking. She can often be found sharing her knowledge and asking many questions on Facebook and Twitter (@SP_Harmony). Harmony is passionate about the work speech/language pathologists can do to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. The Importance of Support and Supervision when Providing AAC Services Scenario – Jane Jane is an SLP who has been working with people with disabilities for over 5 years, including people with complex communication needs. Her caseload... [Read More...]

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Teach Me Tuesday- TouchChat

May 20, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday TouchChat

Learn all about the TouchChat apps. There are a range of great options with the TouchChat Suite of apps.  Keep calm and learn on with these great resources. TouchChat Introduction Video TouchChat Manual and Quick Reference Guide Spanish TouchChat User’s Guide TouchChat Editor (for programming on computer that runs Windows) Where to Go for Help (see Support Topics on right side), blog, email, and newsletter

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Connecting by Phone

May 16, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Connecting by Phone

In the US, we just celebrated Mother’s Day and the phone lines were busy with people connecting with moms, grandmothers, aunts, and friends. In this short video, Jennifer Lindner, reminds us that not everyone has an easy time making a phone call. AAC is a great option for some, but others prefer to use their natural speech, even when there is diminished intelligibility. Everyone in the US with a significant speech impairment is eligible for a free service connecting speech impaired people with trained communication partners who can assist them in making phone calls. Speech-to-Speech is a nonprofit organization that has helped promote this concept and make it available throughout the country. Take a look.   Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKaK2cV8Km8

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