January 21, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week, we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything else that you’d like others in the AAC community to know about. It may be a recent post you’ve written, a slide deck from your AAC presentation, a handout, video, or meme that you’ve posted online, an AAC product you’ve created, an announcement for an AAC course or conference, or any other prAACtical content you developed and want to share with the AAC community. . To post your own link, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post and complete the form. Enter the URL and the name/title in the boxes provided below. If you are on a mobile device, click over to the full website version to do this. . The AAC Link Up is moderated to keep us from being spammed, so it may take... [Read More...]
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January 14, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week, we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything else that you’d like others in the AAC community to know about. It may be a recent post you’ve written, a slide deck from your AAC presentation, a handout, video, or meme that you’ve posted online, an AAC product you’ve created, an announcement for an AAC course or conference, or any other prAACtical content you developed and want to share with the AAC community. . To post your own link, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post and complete the form. Enter the URL and the name/title in the boxes provided below. If you are on a mobile device, click over to the full website version to do this. . The AAC Link Up is moderated to keep us from being spammed, so it may take... [Read More...]
Filed under: AAC Link Up, Featured Posts
January 12, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. I hope you had a good week and are ready for a little touch of AAC. Monday – Sun, Rain, Sleet, or Snow: AAC Conversations About the Weather Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: A Quick Look at Alternative Access for AAC Thursday – AAC-friendly Ideas for Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr Day :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ready for a few more posts to browse? Here’s a sampling that you might enjoy. Does AAC Really Work with Infants and Toddlers? Research Tuesday: Photos Versus PCS – Babies Weigh In AAC & AT Supports in Early Intervention AAC Mythology v2.0: A Few Misconceptions About AAC Intervention A District-wide Core Vocabulary Initiative
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January 9, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Later this month people around the US will be taking time to honor the slain civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior. If you are looking for ideas to mark the occasion with an AAC flair, take a look at some of the posts below. PrAACtically Martin Luther King, Jr Day PrAACtically Martin Luther King Jr Day: AAC Learning Suggestions It’s PrAACtically Martin Luther King Jr Day Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday: 5 Resources for AAC Learners
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January 7, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week, we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything else that you’d like others in the AAC community to know about. It may be a recent post you’ve written, a slide deck from your AAC presentation, a handout, video, or meme that you’ve posted online, an AAC product you’ve created, an announcement for an AAC course or conference, or any other prAACtical content you developed and want to share with the AAC community. . To post your own link, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post and complete the form. Enter the URL and the name/title in the boxes provided below. If you are on a mobile device, click over to the full website version to do this. . The AAC Link Up is moderated to keep us from being spammed, so it may take... [Read More...]
Filed under: AAC Link Up, Featured Posts
January 6, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
It’s a cold, snowy week in much of the US, and that gives us something fun to talk about. It makes a regular appearance at Circle Time and Morning Meetings. It’s part of our casual conversation on a daily basis. We learn about it in Science classes, and it often plays a role in the books we read. Everyone talks about the weather. How can we take advantage of this ubiquitous topic to strengthen AAC learning? Here are a few ideas of language concepts to address. Core Vocabulary: Weather-related discussions offer many opportunities to model and elicit core words, both by themselves and in the context of longer sentences. Single words: Feel, it, like, look, see, that, what Multi-word combinations: I can see rain/snow/sun. Look at that. What is it like outside? Can you feel it? I don’t like when it is ___. More Advanced Vocabulary: Many AAC users have... [Read More...]
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January 5, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy New Year, AAC friends. We have a few posts to help you start 2025 with a touch of AAC. Monday – PrAACtically Energized: Ideas for Boosting AAC in the New Year Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Top Videos of the Year – 2024 Thursday – After the Holidays: AAC Conversations Using Pre-stored Questions Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados: Comunicación sin Barreras :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ready for a few more suggestions? Here are some past posts that you might enjoy. PrAACtical Ideas for Repurposing Older AAC Technology 5 AAC Downloads to Use and Share 5 Ways to Make Semantic Maps More Effective in AAC Therapy PrAACtical Resources on Language Development When Helping Isn’t Helping: Prompt Awareness in AAC Instruction
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January 3, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
On the first Friday of each month, we publish a post in Spanish by guest author Claudia Marimón to highlight AAC work being done in Spanish-speaking countries and offer translations of material that can help families and service providers. In today’s post, she introduces an exciting conference that will be held in Mexico and offered in-person and virtually. You can view the program here: Programa Tercer Congreso Comunicación sin Barreras. Please help to spread the word about this wonderful opportunity for AAC learning. ¡Bienvenido 2025! Comenzamos este año con entusiasmo y nuevas oportunidades para promover la comunicación para todos. Nos complace anunciar el Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa “Comunicación Sin Barreras”, que se llevará a cabo en México los días 29 y 30 de marzo de 2025. Un encuentro único para compartir aprendizajes, experiencias y herramientas de comunicación que transforman vidas. ¡Súmate a este evento que impulsa la... [Read More...]
Filed under: AAC Link Up, Featured Posts
January 1, 2025
by Carole Zangari -
Happy New Year, AAC friends. In case you missed them, here are some of the most-watched videos in 2024. AAC with Eddie the Elephant A Look at the DAGG 3 AAC Modeling at Home TELL ME – AAC in the Preschool Classroom AAC Halloween Fun Getting Ready for December School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Older Student Lessons
Filed under: Featured Posts
December 30, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Novice or expert Parent or professional Generalist or specialist No matter what our differences, we share a common goal of helping AAC learners move forward on the path to better language and literacy. We can all do a little more to help people with AAC needs achieve their potential. Here are some things ideas to get us moving. Find a new use for a retired, abandoned, or under-utilized tool. Lots of us are cleaning out closets and drawers at this time of year, and we’re bound to find something that has AAC potential. It could be an old magnetic card reader (great for phonological awareness and other literacy activities), a talking switch (adds flavor to ‘word of the day activities;’ great for telling jokes, getting attention and more), or even some random picture cards (add some spice to the sensory table or hide them around to read the room). Someone’s... [Read More...]
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