Tag Archive: aided communication

AACtual Therapy: Using Aided Language Modeling

July 6, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy: Using Aided Language Modeling

Although we’ve written extensively on the role of modeling in AAC, there are always new perspectives to consider regarding this evidence-based and widely-used strategy. Today, we feature SLPs Kate Grandbois and Amy Wonkka who share their approach to aided language modeling. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bringing it all Together:  Aided Language Modeling Most SLPs working in AAC have come across a variety of different interventions in their practice.  Some, like aided language modeling, are popular and commonly seen at conferences. They are the most popular option on the intervention buffet.  Others, like discrete trial training, are like the mystery meat – you think you know what it is, you don’t think you’re going to like it, and you’re going to watch while someone else tries it first. Sometimes these teaching procedures are straightforward, and sometimes they are confusing, intimidating, or complicated.  You may find that choosing which intervention to use is influenced by... [Read More...]

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PrAACtical Resources: Scholarly Articles on Aided AAC

February 19, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Scholarly Articles on Aided AAC

Today we are excited to share a wonderful collection of articles that help to expand the theoretical underpinnings and empirical knowledge base in AAC. The Augmentative and Alternative Communication journal is providing free access to six articles that are part of an ongoing international collaboration of researchers and clinicians in 16 nations. You can access articles from this project, entitled “Becoming an Aided Communicator: Aided Language Skills in Children aged 5–15 years: A Multi-site and Cross-cultural Investigation,” below. Kudos to the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) and the journal co-editors (Drs. Martine Smith and Bronwyn Hemsley) and Dr. von Tetzchner for making this special issue so widely available. We hope you enjoy reading Aided Language Processes, Development, and Use: An International Perspective.

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