Video of the Week: Conversations with Adults who Have Intellectual Disabilities

There is much to love about these video segments showing adults with intellectual disabilities interacting with their peers and caregivers in a supported community living environment. For starters, we love seeing successful interactions that focus on social connectedness, sharing information and true participation, as opposed to requesting and behavior regulation. Notice the tone of these conversations and the supportive strategies that the caregivers use. The residents are respected, empowered, and successful. And, of course, we love seeing the use of multiple modes of communication! Many thanks to the staff and residents of Inner South Communication Service of Victoria, Australia for making these videos available.
Filed under: Video of the Week
Tagged With: adults, Conversation, intellectual disability
This post was written by Carole Zangari
Hi Carole,
Thank you for posting this video this is a great help for those who have disabilities. A must to share article. Off to share now. Keep on posting.
Thanks for sharing! The happiness that you can feel from the girls is amazing, so good to see them all being able to share their thoughts in their own ways!