A PrAACtical Look at Partner Assisted Scanning

August 12, 2012 by - 4 Comments

A PrAACtical Look at Partner Assisted Scanning
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Awhile back, we listed a few strategies that seem to be under-utilized in AAC. One of those is partner assisted scanning, a strategy we love for its boundless flexibility. In this week’s video we turn to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Aaron W. Perlman Center.

Tune in for a clear description of the strategy and lots of wonderful examples.

You can learn more from them here.

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This post was written by Carole Zangari


  • Kris says:

    I tried to follow the links to find the video with the two students pictured above, but was not able too. Could you help direct me to the right location. I went under several of the headings at the site linked above, but did not have luck. Its been a long week so far, so I’m guessing it is my fault–but just need some extra guidance today. thanks.

  • Sherry Lanyi says:

    Hi, I am the Coordinator of Speech Pathology at the Perlman Center. It took a lot of time and energy putting the videos together. I can’t tell you happy I was to see this one shared on your website! It makes me happy to know that people find them useful. Would love to domitagain and make some new videos with updated information. The other videos we did can be found on the Cincinnati Children’s website…Perlman Center under Assistive Technology. Thanks for sharing them Carole Zangari!!!

    • Avatar photo Carole Zangari says:

      Sherry, the videos are just terrific and I refer people to them all the time. Plz let us know when you add more. Would love to share those, too. Thanks for all you do. 🙂

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