How We Do It: Using the Pocket Calendar With Heather Buhr and Dr. Kristy Weissling

We are happy to welcome back our friend and colleague, Dr. Kristy Weissling, and her student Heather Buhr, who are sharing more information about an AAC tool they are using to support people with aphasia. Take a look at their Pocket Calendars, which may be beneficial to clients with other kinds of communication difficulties as well. You can see their original post, Low-Tech AAC for Adults with Aphasia, here. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In our last post we examined the differences between memory books and communication books. As promised, we are back again to share with you a low-tech “device” that we have been recently using- the pocket calendar. It’s simple, easy to use, comes together in a snap, and is probably familiar to your clients. We will review how our clients are using these pocket calendars, why we find them effective, and how to put one... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: aphasia, communication book, Heather Buhr, Kristy Weissling, Pocket Calendar