Let’s Go Outside! Five PrAACtical Ideas

It’s spring where we live and that means that many of our prAACtical friends are itching to get outdoors. Whether we’re going for a walk, checking out a park, and lingering on the playground there are plenty of activities that provide a good excuse for some AAC practice that’s functional and fun. Here are a few ideas for things to model (using aided language input, if you’re with a beginning communicators) and elicit. Keep in mind that some AAC learners will benefit from additional support to help them generalize skills used well in therapy rooms and classrooms to the great outdoors. Where should we go? Making choices and giving directions for specific locations using core and fringe words (e.g., go there, on swings, under tree) How should we move? Good opportunity to to practice verbs and descriptors (e.g., go, jump, walk, fast, slow, big, little). Practice or introduce higher level... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: outside