Insufficient Options: Messages to Consider Adding to the AAC Device
How would it feel to be really hungry but allergic to everything on the menu at the only place in town that is still serving food? Can you imagine finding comfortable shoes that you were dying to buy to wear with your navy suit except that they only had fuschia and neon yellow in your size? Have you ever been frustrated by filling out a form that gave only choices for racial groups that you don’t identify with? Let’s face it: It’s incredibly, maddeningly, and impossibly frustrating when our options are overly limited or the choices don’t include things that we want or need. We feel trapped. It’s frustrating, demeaning, and downright infuriating to be constrained in those ways. And yet, most people who use AAC face that situation every day. Their language is limited by the options available to them in their SGDs, communication books, or AAC apps. Until... [Read More...]
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: communication breakdown, message selection, repair strategies