Social Media and People with Disabilities
If you’re an AAC lover there’s no better place to be this week than the 16th the Biennial Conference of the International Society for AAC (ISAAC) at the Lisboa Congress Centre. Every two years, AAC stakeholders from around the world gather to consider the latest research, learn from one another, discuss issues of controversy, see new products. connect and renew relationships, and have a great time. From the pre-conference workshops, to the AAC Camp, to the main conference, to the Exhibit Hall, to the Research Symposium, this is the place to be to get AAC inspiration. There won’t be much time for writing but we’ll try to keep you posted with photos from the conference. You can also follow along on Twitter with the conference hashtag, #ISAAC2014 To start get in the ISAAC mood, check out this presentation by Lisa Lehman, the 2012 Outstanding Consumer Lecturer.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Conference, ISAAC, Lisa Lehman, social media