Tag Archive: home

Beyond ‘Good’ and ‘Nothing’

August 27, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Beyond 'Good' and 'Nothing'

  “How was school?” (Good) “What did you do?” (Nothing) This scenario plays out in many cars and kitchens in the after school hours and it can be hard to know who is more frustrated: the kids for being asked or the parents for not getting satisfactory answers. And still, we repeat the process day after day. Of course, we want to know the fine details of what happened and how our children felt, but in some cases, we’d settle for ANY school-related conversation at all. I’ll be the first to admit that it took me way too long to get the hang of how to get information about my children’s school days, and it seemed like just when I did, pow! They were pre-teens and then teenagers. New rule book. Here are some ‘lessons learned’ along the way about those afterschool conversations and some suggestions for parents of the kids... [Read More...]

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Video of the Week: F is for Feedback

June 17, 2012 by - 1 Comment

"Call Me Later:" 5 Supports for Phone Communication by People Who Use AAC

This week, we’ve been talking about feedback as a language facilitation strategy and when I came across this video of a mom interacting with her deaf or hard of hearing daughter, I knew it was worth sharing. What I love about this video is how consistently the mom both provides good models and responds contingently to her daughter’s utterances. Watch how she skillfully avoids over-interpreting the little girl’s message and how effective that is in getting her daughter to use more complex language. I wonder if she ever considered a career as an SLP… –

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The Precious Power of Play

April 12, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

The Precious Power of Play

The Chicago P.L.A.Y. Project is on a mission to empower parents to help their children build language through play. We love the joyful nature of their mission. – Of course, the clinical educators in us see huge potential for adding visual supports to enhance the language learning, but this is an amazing way to build good interaction and language opportunities. – Enjoy!    

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