Stepping into AAC-Week 9

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 9 of your Stepping into AAC journey! Now that we have a basic foundation in AAC (Weeks 1-5) and have customized the communication board (Weeks 6-8), we turn our focus to AAC use in everyday life.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • Language Learning in Daily Routines: Learn why it is essential to use everyday routines and activities to build language and AAC learning.
  • Using Patterns of Language Development to Guide AAC Learning: Gain insights into the role of typical language development as we guide the learning of beginning AAC users.
  • AAC at Mealtime: How can snacks and meals boost AAC learning? Stay tuned! We have some ideas for you.

AACtion Steps


Language Development is Our Guide – Part 2

Language development is our guide when teaching AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). In this video, language learning as an immersive experience is explored. The video emphasizes how four tenets of AAC implementation align with what we know and observe in typical language development: communication occurs for various purposes, model language to teach language, use core words, and provide time for language learning.

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Language Development is Our Guide

The Value of Language in Daily Routines

The value of regulatory and non-regulatory messages in daily routines is explored. Regulatory messages influence actions and require a response, while non-regulatory messages provide information or opinions without requiring a reply. Both types of messages can be used to enhance language development in children and can inform how we expand modeling when supporting those learning AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication).

Language Walk Through – Mealtime

A language walkthrough involves being intentional about thinking through and anticipating language opportunities for a task. It is important to consider the beginning, middle, and end of the task, as well as opportunities for requesting, commenting, describing, and sharing information. Mealtime conversations provide numerous opportunities for modeling AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and engaging in social interactions.


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