Stepping into AAC-Week 8

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 8 of your Stepping into AAC journey! We wrap up our detour on personalizing communication boards by taking a close look at ways to support AAC learners who have difficulty pointing to words and picture symbols.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • Alternative Access: Learn about options for AAC learners with motor challenges.
  • Learning Through Engagement: Explore ways that we can engage AAC learners in experiences that allow them to advance their language and communication skills.

AACtion Steps


Overview of Alternative Access

This video provides an overview of alternative access methods for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) learners. It highlights the increasing integration of technology into mainstream devices and the importance of providing access to robust AAC for individuals with limited motor or vision skills. Various access methods, including scanning, partner-assisted scanning, two-step scanning, eye gaze, and developing a point, are explored. Alternative access facilitates language growth and long-term communication for those who cannot easily access their AAC by touch.

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Overview of Alternative Access

Teaching Access Through Meaningful Engagement

This video discusses the importance of meaningful engagement in teaching alternative access to AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) learners. It emphasizes that learning emerges from meaningful social-emotional experiences. Lack of motivation and value in activities can hinder progress in accessing AAC tools. Feedback, interesting things to talk about, modeling, and purpose are essential for learners to improve their access skills.


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