Stepping into AAC-Week 20

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 20 of your Stepping into AAC journey! As you approach the finish line, we consider what you’ve accomplished and lay out some possible next steps for your AAC learner.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • Reflecting on Your Skills as a Communication Partner: Over the past 20 weeks, you’ve acquired new information and had the opportunity to develop skills that make it easier for your AAC learner to develop their language and AAC skills. In this segment, we pause to look back on what you’ve accomplished and what it means.
  • Next Steps: Explore some possible directions to head in as you continue supporting your AAC learner.

Future Directions with Your AAC Learner’s Team

The efforts that you and your family put into learning about and using AAC support strategies provided your AAC learner with a solid foundation. As you continue to use the strategies you’ve learned about, you can also work with the team to ensure that they share your commitment to high-quality AAC support. The verbiage from the Stepping Into AAC letters can be used to communicate your expectations for the team to work with you in planning the next steps for your AAC learner.

AACtion Steps


Reflecting on Your Skill as a Communication Partner

The video discusses the progress made in learning about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) over the 20-week Stepping Into AAC journey. It encourages reflection on various aspects of AAC, such as technology, knowledge and understanding, acquired communication partner skills, habits of AAC use that have been established, and the journey itself.

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Reflecting on Your Skills


Bonus Resources

View and download companion resources for this week’s themes below. 

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