Stepping into AAC-Week 19

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 19 of your Stepping into AAC journey! As we approach the final portion of this journey, focus on building a system of support for your AAC learner.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • Building Community with AAC: AAC learners thrive when surrounded by a supportive community. In this segment, we explore how to create that over the coming months and years.
  • Introduction Messages: Learn about the role that phrases, sentences, and longer messages can play in boosting social interactions with new communication partners.
  • Building an Effective AAC Team: How can we assemble and nurture an AAC team that works effectively with your AAC learner and shares your vision of the path to improved communication? 

AACtion Steps


Building Community with AAC

This video discusses the importance of building a community around an AAC learner, involving family members, peers, and others. It emphasizes the need to demystify AAC and shares strategies for teaching and sharing about AAC with others.

Social Power with AAC – Introduction Messages

Optimizing AAC learners’ devices might include introduction messages. These pre-programmed messages provide basic information and instructions to unfamiliar communication partners. Introduction messages facilitate successful interactions by explaining AAC, requesting wait time, and building self-advocacy skills. They should be tailored to the AAC learner’s age, personality, and needs, and can be adjusted over time.

Get the Handout

Social Power-Introduction Messages


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