Stepping into AAC-Week 18

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 18 of your Stepping into AAC journey!

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • The Social Power of Slang & Age-respectful Vocabulary: What role does slang play & why should we consider it? How can we keep our AAC tools appropriate but also respectful of the AAC learner’s chronological age?  
  • Language Walk-Through – Going to an Appointment: Given the time spent at doctor’s offices, therapy centers, getting haircuts, visits to the dentist, and all of that, it’s no surprise that AAC will play a role.

AACtion Steps


Social Power – Slang & Age-Relevant Words

The importance of social words in AAC devices, such as greetings, chat phrases, and slang has been discussed previously in this series. This video expands upon the importance of customizing AAC to include social words used by peers to enhance communication and interaction.

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Social Power-Sland and Age-Relevant Words

Language Walk Through – At an Appointment

A language walkthrough involves being intentional about thinking through and anticipating language opportunities for an activity. It is important to consider the beginning, middle, and end of the activity, as well as opportunities for requesting, commenting, describing, and sharing information. This video highlights various language opportunities while at an appointment.


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