Stepping into AAC-Week 17

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 17 of your Stepping into AAC journey! As we round the bend to the final segment of this journey, our focus is on using the expanded set of target words throughout the day.

You will focus on the following concepts this week:

  • Developing a Vision for Successful AAC Use: Every family’s situation is different, and every AAC learner is unique. In this segment, you’ll consider what successful AAC use looks like for your family.
  • Language Walk-Through: Shopping: AAC is on the move! Follow along as we demonstrate AAC use on trips to the store.

AACtion Steps


Language Walk Through – Shopping

A language walkthrough involves being intentional about thinking through and anticipating language opportunities for an activity. It is important to consider the beginning, middle, and end of the activity, as well as opportunities for requesting, commenting, describing, and sharing information. This video highlights various language opportunities while shopping.


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