Stepping into AAC-Week 16

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 16 of your Stepping into AAC journey! We continue to add new words and deepen our understanding of AAC supports.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • AAC Availability: For AAC to be viewed as a truly valuable communication tool that gets used throughout the day, it’s critical that the communication board or AAC device/app be within arm’s reach. 
  • Comment with AAC: AAC learners have a lot to share. In this segment, we explore how to help them use AAC to make comments, share thoughts, and add information to a conversation.
  • Language Walk-Through: Parks, Playgrounds, & Sports: Join us as we demonstrate how to infuse AAC into these outdoor activities. 

AACtion Steps


AAC Always Available

“Always available AAC” emphasizes the importance of incorporating AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) into everyday interactions. But it means much more than making sure it’s on the table. This video explores the varied logistics that can be considered to make AAC always available. Planning ahead and making AAC easily accessible can enhance communication for AAC learners. Strategies such as using harnesses, straps, and lanyards can improve portability. Charging schedules and placing AAC devices in different areas of the home can ensure availability. No-tech boards and backup options are crucial for ensuring AAC access in various environments and in case of technical issues.

Comment with AAC

Commenting is a favorite communicative function, allowing us to share opinions and perspectives without demanding much from the learner. It’s fun, informative, and social, making it a natural way to provide language input.

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Language Walk Through-Park, Playground, Sports

A language walkthrough involves being intentional about thinking through and anticipating language opportunities for a task. It is important to consider the beginning, middle, and end of the task, as well as opportunities for requesting, commenting, describing, and sharing information. This video highlights various language opportunities on an outing to a park, playground, or ball game.


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