Stepping into AAC-Week 13

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About This Week

Welcome to Week 13 of your Stepping into AAC journey! Literacy is critically important to all AAC users, and they can all improve their skills in this area. This week, we do a deep dive into how to support reading in AAC learners.

You will explore the following concepts this week:

  • Shared Reading: Learn about the shared reading experiences and how to maximize them for AAC learning.
  • Selecting Books: Let’s explore some characteristics of books that enhance literacy learning in beginning communicators.
  • Language Walk-Though – Picture Books: Reading picture books together can be a powerful way to support both language and literacy. 

AACtion Steps


Shared Reading – The Basics

Shared reading is a valuable activity for AAC learners, helping them develop a love for books and enhancing their language skills. AAC users may have limited book experiences due to other priorities and communication challenges. Engaging with books using AAC involves choosing books, discussing the pictures, and using AAC to comment, describe, ask questions, or make predictions. Responding to the AAC learner and providing informative feedback is important.

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Reading with AAC

Language Walk Through – Picture Books

Picture books offer rich opportunities for AAC learners to engage with stories, characters, and various topics through impactful illustrations. They are not just for young children and can explore history, biography, science, current events, and social issues. AAC users can use picture books to comment, describe, notice aloud, share opinions, ask questions, and make predictions. Examples of using AAC with picture books are explored

Repetitive Lines, Rhymes, & AAC

Books with repetitive lines and rhymes offer fun opportunities engage with books. The music-like cadence establishes a predictable pattern that invites participation and offers ample opportunities to practice targeted language in a fun and engaging way.


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