Stepping Into AAC Resources

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This table of contents has clickable links to help you navigate through various resources included in Stepping into AAC.  You can view and download a PDF version with clickable links using the image or button below.

Stepping into AAC requires the use of a communication board with target core vocabulary and/or the use of an AAC device or app that contains these words. If you do not already have access to one of these AAC tools, you will be guided to select one of the communication boards that appear in this section. We are grateful to the AAC organizations listed below for their collegiality in granting us permission to use these communication boards.

Information on how to select a communication board is provided in Week 1.

Proloquo Core Board

Proloquo2Go Core Board

Proloquo Board Customization Template

Proloquo2Go Board Customization Template

Project Core 36 Location Board

Project Core Customization Template

LAMP Words for Life Board

LAMP Board Customization Template

TD SNap Core 7×9 Board

TD SNap Board Customization Template

Word Power 60 Basic Board

Word Power Board Customization Template

Resource Bundles

This section gives you access to Stepping into AAC resources in bundles that make it easier for you to view, download, and/or print our material in large groups/chunks. Use the buttons below to access bundles of resources such as all of the AACtion Steps or Travelog newsletters. There is also a link to the Stepping Into AAC Youtube channel to view all of the Signpost videos and playlists.

There is an Index page for each of the 20 weeks of Stepping AAC that have links and QR codes to all material for the week. You can download the bundle of Index pages using the button below.

AACtion Steps Bundle

Signposts on YouTube

Travelogs Bundle

Index Bundle

Handouts Bundle

Weekly Bundles