Sharing Your AAC Experiences

October 18, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Sharing Your AAC Experiences
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Whether you are a highly experienced AAC professional or a relative newcomer to the field, you’re invited to share your perspective. It’s been several years since the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) first surveyed SLPs to find out about their AAC preparation and experiences. You can take a look at the White Paper that summarizes the results of that survey here.

In this current survey, ATIA is expanding its reach and is looking for input from parents, AAC users, paraprofessionals, and professionals from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Created with the input of a panel of AAC and AT specialists, this new survey is designed to gather information about the training, advocacy, and technology needs of AAC stakeholders.

Please take a few moments to provide your feedback. You can access the survey here or by clicking on the graphic below.  The survey is available until October 25.

Sharing Your AAC Experiences


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This post was written by Carole Zangari

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