PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard

August 8, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard
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PrAACtically Visual: Supporting Communication Across Activities & EnvironmentsHave you run into situations where you know that aided language input is needed but found it really hard to implement? We’re pleased that AAC SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber is back with another installment in her visual support series. In this post, she gives us suggestions for things to try when working out the nuances of aided language input.

In case you missed them, here are the links to the previous posts in this series.


Visual Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard

Despite our efforts, some of the time, or with some individuals, modeling AAC to teach AAC on technology-based devices can be challenging.  An individual may be in constant motion, or possessive of their device. Tech-based devices may not be sufficiently durable in all situations.  Occasional novelty may be needed to foster engagement. Starting with a screenshot of the home page of the individual’s device, here are a few low-tech options to explore to sustain your efforts to model as well as possible and as much as possible…even when it’s hard. 

Highlight targeted vocabulary

Circle targeted symbols with a dry erase markerPrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard


Use a “focus finder” (aka occluder) to draw attention to vocabulary while modeling PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard


Point to symbols with a flashlight or laser pointer while modeling PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard


Many ways to mask (hide) vocabulary

Removable symbols: Remove all symbols, except targeted vocabulary PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard

Magnetic sheets: Cut magnetic sheets to the size of symbols and place core board on a magnetic whiteboard to attach PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard

Painters tape: Tear tape to symbol size and mask vocabulary as needed. PrAACtically Visual: Supports for When Modeling Communication is Hard

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This post was written by Carole Zangari

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