A Word About Word Order

Lots of AAC learners make mistakes when they assemble words into sentences. Here is a brief screencast talking a little bit about what to think about when providing therapy to individuals with syntax errors.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: aided language input, intervention, language therapy, strategies, syntax, word order
This post was written by Carole Zangari
I’m happy to report that C is getting more modelling at school and because of that he is much less resistant when I model for him at home. In fact, he’s really eager to have me model more words for him. He’s doing a great job expanding his vocabulary. The word order is still an issue but I’m not sweating it. I just keep modelling for him and feeling grateful that he seems to be in a spurt of language development! Thanks for putting this podcast together – of course I saw it when you first posted it but it’s a helpful reminder not to sweat the small stuff too much.
Stacey, thanks for stopping by to let us know. That’s really great to hear! We’re in 100% agreement-celebrate that burst of language development. I’m working on syntax now with some older kids, but it ALWAYS takes a backseat to meaning.