A PrAACtical Reflection: Do No Harm

Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Cheryl Jorgensen, least dangerous assumption, presume competence
This post was written by Carole Zangari
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Cheryl Jorgensen, least dangerous assumption, presume competence
This post was written by Carole Zangari
That is a great quote – please, do you have the specific reference? I’d love to read the publication.
Sally, this particular quote was actually from a presentation. I don’t know that it has been published, but if I find evidence to the contrary, I will let you know. 🙂
The original statement was by Anne Donnelan and called “The criteria of the least dangerous assumption”. It was later explained by Tashie &Rossetti http://www.inclusive-solutions.com/leastdangerousassumption.asp
These are truly words to live by.
Agreed! Thanks so muuch for taking the time to comment. For those who are interested, this post has the full reference to Donellan’s article: http://bit.ly/16DK6Oh. Thank you for the link, Maripat. Off to check it out…