5 Sources of AAC Inspiration
inspiration /inspəˈrāSHən/ Noun; The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do somethingcreative. The quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something
We’re inspired by:
- Master clinicians, like Gail Van Tatenhove, John Costello, and Joan Bruno
- Clinically relevant research, like this work from the AAC Group at Penn State
- Far-reaching projects, like the work done by Sarah Blackstone and others at the Patient Provider Communication group
- Supportive publishers, like Paul H. Brookes who keep cranking out top-notch AAC books like this one by Pat Mirenda and Teresa Iacono
- Groups that make cool things for kids and share them for free, llike Priory Woods
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
This post was written by Carole Zangari