5 Awesome Things We’ve Heard Kids Say with AAC
Listen up, friends. Kids are talking with AAC and saying some terrific things. Here are some of our favorites.
1. “Can you scan that, please? It’s on my IEP.” (It’s never too early to learn self-advocacy skills.)
2. “Tell me more.” (We love ‘language magnets!’)
3. “Why [did] you do that to me?” (Hold people accountable. It works.)
4. “No!” (Everyone has the right to express displeasure. Using language rather than behavior to do so gets a big thumbs-up from us.)
5. “You [are] nice.” (Everyone needs a little compliment once in awhile. Folks who know how to give them have an easier time making friends.)
How about you? What awesome things have you heard kids say with AAC?
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
This post was written by Carole Zangari
We are so fortunate to have an AAC program at the Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area. We are heard “I love you” from a 13 year old for the first time and we all cried. Parents who have never communicated with their child are hearing “I want to go for a walk”. Children are making choices that are key to inclusive learning and socializing…Yes, no, inside, outside, blue, red etc. it all leads to getting their needs met and their voices heard. One word can impact self esteem, offer a sense of belonging and empower a teen or young adult to make decisions. We LOVE anything that is heard from AAC. We especially love the look on children’s faces when they first start to use it and realize when they ask for something they get it. Magical!!
Nancy, magical is exactly the right word. Times like these make up for the fights with insurance companies, glitches in the software, bubbles in the laminate, and other pesky things that try to bring us down. Thanks for sharing your stories and letting us all get in on the wonderful feelings that success in AAC brings.
I’ve heard some great Christmas lists:
One 7 yr old used his sgd to tell Santa “I want iPad”, a 5 year old told Santa she wanted “pizza”. and another used her sgd to write a letter while interfaced to the computer. She wrote ” I want puzzle iPad. Want my dad”
Lastly, one of my teens is an AAC “bully”. He calls a kid’s name and when that student looks at him he presses the message bar where he has built a
random string of words that annoy the other student! While he is reprimanded for teasing, it shows hiowAAC gives a voice that allows nonverbal teens to be
as annoying as peers…
Thanks for sharing those priceless moments, Beth. And the story of the teen who uses his voice to torment his pals made me laugh out loud. That’s our job, right? To let people say what they want to say, when they want to say it. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
“Holy crap Mom, would you please hurry up?!” – from my 11 yr old daughter Lianna using her Tobii C15 with CEye while shopping. Need I explain further? 🙂
I love it! Lianna sounds like every other 11 year old that I’ve ever shopped with. Except, now that I think about it, not all of them said ‘please.’ So glad that you took the time to share her awesomeness!
A child told me I was boring!
Ha! Love it, Esther!! I had one tell me that I was squishy. LOL
“If you don’t want to hear the answer, don’t ask the question.” – This was a comment made by an adult who used AAC actually ,about therapists who kept asking him device he wanted, but actually had their ‘own ideas’. 🙂
Was a reminder to us 🙂
We are hearing words that empower, offer control amd independance. Words so sipmle yet so profound. Words that open doorsto friendship, that teach cause and effect. Words that prove “just because you cant speak doesnt mean you have nothing to say”. Words that show children with Down syndre should not be underestimated about their abilities to use technology. Wors that offer a window inside to a child’s mind and allow frustration to subside……. I LOVE YOU, IM HUNGRY, I WANT TO GO FOR A WALK, I WANT CEREAL, BLUE CRAYON, NO, YES, I HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM, INSIDE, OUTSIDE,MY FAVOROTE THINGS ARE….. I LOVE….. I NEED….. I WAMT….. It is all truly powerful. We are so fortinate to have an AAC lending library and a strong relationship with pur members and schools. PLEASE DONT THINK AAC IS NOT FPR PEOPLE WITH DOWN SYNDRE. IT WORKS!!!!!! Thanks fpr what ypu do!!
Love, love, love these comments, Nancy! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts. 🙂
Wow. So many typos. Darn computer. Lol :-). I guess you still get the message.