448 Search Results for autism

5 (More) Resources for Supporting Friendships in Individuals who use AAC

May 2, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 (More) Resources for Supporting Friendships in Individuals who use AAC

– 1. We love this article by ConnectAbility on helping children build friends. – 2. Online connections can be fun, too. AAC Small Talk is a Yahoo group for kids who use AAC and their friends. It’s hosted by Pam Harris and Dr. Jill Senner. – 3. Games and friends go hand-in-hand, but sometimes a little adult support is needed. We really liked the ideas in this post by SLP Tahirih Bushey on how to choose and play games that build communication: http://bit.ly/J3IMtM 4. Novita Children’s Services has some wonderful information about helping friendships to develop: http://bit.ly/HQQoMD – 5. Explaining AAC to a child’s friends and classmates doesn’t have to be hard! We love this PowerPoint by master AAC clinician Gail Van Tatenhove. She wrote it for students in inclusive classrooms to introduce Minspeak so that they can be good communication partners for their friends who use AAC. – . Want to see our... [Read More...]

A Myth about Visual Schedules Live On :(

April 30, 2012 by - 2 Comments

A Myth About Visual Schedules Lives On

Nooooo, not again.   A myth about visual schedules continues to rear its ugly head in a prAACtical situation (maybe we can reframe it into a learning opportunity??). Some history- A parent of twin girls with autism (age 15 and two other younger children– yes total 4) stopped by our office to pick up some autism awareness materials yesterday (a super busy mom in so many ways —going out of her way to help our community).  As we were exchanging pleasantries and getting updates on how the girls were doing, we heard something that continues to surprise us–(and not in a good way).  What did we hear? We heard that the girls were doing relatively well (not the surprising comment) but that mom was extra busy because the girls were no longer independent in taking their showers.   They could do it by themselves but didn’t like the sensory input of soap... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Resources: Toolkit for ASD

April 29, 2012 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtical Resources: Toolkit for ASD

– Where do you go after the diagnosis? Special Needs Resource Magazine has two amazing resources for families whose children were recently diagnosed with ASD. They shared two Autism Speaks’ guides, Autism and Asperger Toolkits for Families, both of which provide direction for the first 3 months after diagnosis. Each one contains lots of helpful information by respected professionals, such as Lynn Koegel, Wendy Stone, and others. There are very prAACtical tips, including an action plan, useful forms, and a safety guide. –

Special Interest Areas and Students with ASD

April 29, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Special Interest Areas and Students with ASD

Yesterday, we posted about using special interests to create prAACtical communication opportunities, our AAC intervention strategy of the month. Today, we share this Video of Week on the same topic. The team at ConnectAbility presented this video workshop on Special Interest Areas and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. –

5 "Go To" Sites for AAC & Visual Support Downloads

April 25, 2012 by - 2 Comments

5 "Go To" Sites for AAC & Visual Support Downloads

We’ve shared a number of resources for downloadable AAC materials in previous posts like this and on some of our Pinterest boards. Sometimes we start from scratch but other times we check out what other professionals and families have created, then download and adapt them for our use. It’s wonderful to see the generous online community growing! Here are some more sites we like for AAC and visual support downloads. – 1. For Visual Supports from Hamilton Boone Madison Special Services Cooperative 2. From Special Education Technology-British Columbia: PictureSet 3. Free software with symbols for making visual supports: QuickPics Symbols from Patrick Ecker 4. Behavioral supports from eLearning Visuals 5. Wonderful activities to support language and literacy from Dr. Caroline Musselwhite – Where do you go for online materials to download materials for your AAC work?

5 Tools & Tips for Making Transitions Easier

April 22, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Tools & Tips for Making Transitions Easier

Transitions can be hard for everyone, whether it is turning off the TV to finish grading papers or leaving a favorite place to go run some errands or following through to finish cleaning out the garage. For people with significant communication difficulties, there can be additional challenges. Here are some of our favorite tools and strategies for making transitions easier for everyone. – Visual Schedules: Our hands-down favorite way of helping people transition smoothly is to make the expectations visual and explicit. Lots of info on making this strategy successful here and here. Timers, timers, and more timers! We love them because, once the routine and expectations are established, they work so beautifully in so many situations. Social stories:Well-written social stories shared via high quality intervention can go a long way in preventing or minimizing transition issues. Transition items: Lots of families, teachers, and SLP have had success using objects... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Play: Creating Communication Opportunities with Favorite Toys

April 21, 2012 by - 4 Comments

PrAACtical Play: Creating Communication Opportunities with Favorite Toys

– Guest post by Stefanie Finocchio, M.S., CCC-CF As we’ve said before, we feel incredibly fortunate to have made our careers educating the next generation of SLPs. Sharing what we’e learned about AAC, AT, autism, literacy, and language intervention with graduate student clinicians is a challenge we both love. In this post, we share the wonderful ideas of a recent graduate, Stefanie Finocchio. Although she has only been out of grad school for a few months, Stefanie has some very prAACtical ideas about how to create communication opportunities for young children who are learning to use AAC. – One of my favorite “go-to” activities/games that I use frequently with my students diagnosed with autism is the Playskool Busy Gears game by Hasbro.  It comes with 11 plastic gears of all different sizes and colors. Once a gear is placed on the board, you hit a button on the bottom and... [Read More...]

49 Free or Lite Versions of AAC Apps

April 20, 2012 by - 6 Comments

49 Free or Lite Versions of AAC Apps

The content of this post has been updated. Click HERE for the most current version that includes Android apps and a link to our AAC app rubric. It’s hard to believe that since our original list of free/lite AAC apps was posted two months ago, there have been at least 10 more that we were able to add. Thanks to Amy Taylor for her suggestions on the previous list. Keep them coming! This list is for iOS devices. Stay tuned for one for Android devices. – AlexiCom AAC Answers: Yes/No Free Augie Free (Free version not currently available in US) Autism 5-Point Scale EP (Autism Help) Com App Comunicador Personal Adaptable(Spanish) DIME Lite Grid Player iBlissymbols Lite iComm Education iPhonic Lite iPicto Lite Locabulary Lite MetaTalk Lite My Talking Phone MyTalk Tools MyVoice Communication Aid Neo Julie (also Kate and Paul) Noni Lite OneVoice-AAC Phrase Board Pic A Word Pics Aloud Lite Picture... [Read More...]

What Works!

April 19, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

What Works

We have many students who are getting older. It’s a time many of our families are looking at transition steps.  Some families are interested in employment opportunities, others in having their now adult children live outside the home with a little or a lot of support, and others just wish there was a place for them to go after school ends.  .  It is difficult finding quality options. Even if there are options, it seems ‘they’ want the ‘easy’ people.  (disclaimer: Now I move from the ‘we’ into the ‘me’ since Carole has been on vacation and I have been dealing with some ‘crap’ and don’t want to speak for Carole since I am hoping she is relaxed and positive).  So here goes…. I could argue now that there are no ‘easy’ people.  I could rant now because it has been one of those days where not a lot has... [Read More...]