1458 Search Results for link up

CAA Con Links: Mayo 2022

May 6, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

CAA Con Links - Mayo 2022

On the first Friday of every month, we feature a Spanish version of our AAC Link Up, CAA con Links. If you have AAC-related announcements, materials, or videos in Spanish that you would like others to know about, we’d love to have you add that information below. Also, please share this with anyone who might be interested in contributing to or using the materials that get added to these posts. You’ll find the place to add that information at the very bottom of this post. Organized by Claudia Marimón, these monthly posts generally focus on AAC in Spanish-speaking countries. In today’s post, she shares a Spanish resource that may be of interest to many. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Este mes queremos invitarlos a compartir links y recursos que hacen posible apoyar a nuestros estudiantes con complejas necesidades de comunicación en el proceso de alfabetización. La evidencia nos confirma que ellos pueden beneficiarse... [Read More...]

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: Tools to Support Identification of AAC Learning Targets

April 7, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: Tools to Support Identification of AAC Learning Targets

We’re ending the week with some wonderful resources shared by AAC expert, Lauren Enders. In her continuation of the Goal Writing series, she reviews some important tools that can help in determining which skills to target when writing goals for AAC learners. You can see other posts in this series using the links below. AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders 5 Common Challenges Laying a Solid Foundation :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In the first post of this series, you learned that you are in good company if you find AAC goal writing to be intimidating. Thankfully, you were also assured that despite the learning curve, you CAN write meaningful goals for AAC learners given the right tips, tools, and guidance. In the second post, you learned how the Four Communicative Competencies (Linguistic, Operational, Social, and Strategic) (Light et al., 1989, Light & McNaughton, 2014)) plus Psychosocial or Emotional Competency (Light & McNaughton, 2014, Blackstone... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: SMoRRE Partner Training Supports

March 23, 2022 by - 1 Comment

Video of the Week: SMoRRE Partner Training Supports

Teaching communication partners how to interact in ways that support AAC learning is one of our most important roles. Years ago, Jill Senner and Matt Baud dug into the research on AAC partner training and developed the SMoRRE approach. You can learn about that here. In today’s featured video, Matt provides a practical example of using that approach. Take a look. Many thanks to Jill and Matt for their fine work with SMoRRE and to Matt for this helpful video.   Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUt180-XzY8&ab_channel=TALC 

Video of the Week: Using Google Action Blocks to Support Communication

November 10, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Using Google Action Blocks to Support Communication

A few months back, we invited Charlie Danger, an OT/ATP from The Children’s Trust, to introduce us to Google Action Blocks. (You can see that post here.) Today, we turn to an archived webinar from CALL Scotland at the University of Edinburgh to learn more about this and see Google Action Blocks in AACtion. This free resource is incredibly flexible and can support communication and independence for people with disabilities. Many thanks to Charlie and The Children’s Trust for making and sharing this helpful video. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_-1rpQLjM8&ab_channel=callscotland1983