566 Search Results for video core

Building AAC Awareness: Using AAC to Express a Range of Functions

October 12, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Awareness: Using AAC to Express a Range of Functions

Most times, the goal of AAC intervention is to help those with complex communication needs be able to express whatever they want at any time. For some individuals, we over-emphasize the tools and strategies they will need to get the things they want, whether it is social engagement (attention), assistance (help), objects, events, or even being able to protest or reject unwanted situations. Michigan-based SLP Rachael Langley works tirelessly to support technologies and services that give access to the full range to communicative functions. When she offered to share her thoughts on this topic with us, we jumped on the chance. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Four Functions of Language There are many ways to emphasize AAC use and embed aided language into the day. Sometimes we use a core vocabulary approach to teach specific vocabulary. But we can also approach AAC learning by focusing on a specific function or pragmatic use of language.... [Read More...]

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 7

October 4, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 7

Welcome back to our AAC partner training series, Model as a MASTER PAL, created by SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber. Today, we continue with materials to help communication partners interact with AAC learners in a supportive fashion. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Model as a MASTER PAL Module 7: Engage Naturally Facilitator Guidelines This module covers a lot of territory. From the behaviors of communication partners that support the process of language development to creating communication opportunities, to the language we use with a child to talk about their device, to fostering communicative competence, naturalistic engagement is shaped in many ways.  The importance of this conversation lies in the fact that genuine engagement and mutual respect are where learning happens. It is also how meaningful social relationships are built. This module invites participants to reflect on factors that shape the quality of interactions in order to maximize the potential for communicating, learning and creating meaningful social,... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 40: September 2018

September 30, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 40: September 2018

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Before we turn to a new page on the calendar, check out these posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – PrAACtically October: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: AT and Virtual Reality Thursday –  Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 6 Friday – PrAACtical Alert: AAC App Discounts ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Still have time for some more AAC reading? Here are a few suggestions. PrAACtical Teaching in the ASD Classroom: Predictable Chart Writing with Core Vocabulary AAC in the Classroom: Presentations You May Have Missed The Crust of AAC Every Second Counts with Lindy McDaniel Boosting AAC Implementation in the Classroom: 6 Things to Try

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 6

September 27, 2018 by - 2 Comments

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 6

Let’s be honest: The most advanced AAC device in the world isn’t going to be very helpful unless it’s well-implemented. That’s why it is so important that communication partners, particularly those who spend lots of time with people use AAC, get training on ways to support the AAC learner. Tabi Wohleber-Jones is back with us today to share the 6th module in the MASTER PAL series. This module is all about time.   Model as a MASTER PAL Module 6: Time: Wait-Time, Think-Time and Time for Language to Develop Facilitator Guidelines This 6th module in Model as a MASTER PAL explores both short-term and long-term factors related to time, as necessary for AAC skill development.  These modules may be explored in a single learning session or split into two sessions, 20-30 minutes each. Firstly, language development occurs gradually over time, years actually.  Teaching language with AAC takes time as well. ... [Read More...]

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 5

September 20, 2018 by - 1 Comment

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 5

Our AAC Training Series continues today and we are incredibly grateful to Tabi Jones-Wohleber for sharing these presentation materials with us. Today’s training materials center on a topic that is near and dear to my prAACtical heart: Using statements more often than questions. The instructional time for Module 5 is about 90-120 minutes which allows time for discussion and practice. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Model as a MASTER PAL Module 5: Statements More Than Questions Facilitator Guidelines STATEMENTS MORE THAN QUESTIONS Questions are necessary to help us learn about the things, people, and activities in our environment and beyond. However, interactions heavily weighted with questions do not often yield the quality exchanges required to build relationships, gain understanding, foster autonomous communication or facilitate initiation.  This module explores the power of statements (aka nondirective language and descriptive teaching) in shaping meaningful engagement for learning and socially interacting.  It includes interactive activities, video links, lots... [Read More...]

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 4

September 13, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 4

Ready for more AAC training materials? In today’s post, Tabi Jones-Wohleber is sharing another module in the MASTER PAL series. This 30-minute session focuses on the role of multiple modalities in AAC. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Model as a MASTER PAL Module 4: Accept Multiple Modalities Facilitator Guidelines We all use multiple modalities to communicate…speech, text, email, a gesture, facial expressions.  In much the same way we encourage young children to interact by assigning meaning to their gestures, expressions, and utterances, responding meaningfully to the communicative attempts of those who use AAC validates and encourages the effort.  Honor all modalities and respond by modeling AAC as much as possible(regardless of the modality used by the PWUAAC) teaches AAC.  Seize the opportunity to teach and expand language.  After all, multi-modal communication shapes the human experience. For this training you will need: The Presentation Slides The Presentation Handout The Facilitator’s Guide Warm-up Discussion: Thinking Prompt... [Read More...]

Building Your AAC SLP Toolkit: Obtaining Free Apps for AAC Evaluations

September 10, 2018 by - 4 Comments

Building Your AAC SLP Toolkit: Obtaining Free Apps for AAC Evaluations

A carpenter without a hammer? A painter without a brush? A surgeon without a scalpel? No matter how skilled these professionals are, they can’t do their work without the tools necessary for the job. SLPs need their tools, too. Sometimes those tools are tangible items, like formal tests, mirrors, computers, and penlights. And sometimes those tools are less tangible, like software, digital subscriptions, and apps. Most service delivery settings where AAC evaluations take place (e.g., clinics, schools, hospitals), though, fail to provide SLPs with the adequate range of AAC tools they need to do their jobs well. And, as any practicing SLP knows, the budget for materials ranges from minimal to non-existent. So, what’s a clinician to do? Savvy SLPs have a variety of strategies for getting the resources they need. It’s disheartening that they need to even do this, but, for many, the reality is that either the SLPs... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 36: September 2018

September 2, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 36: September 2018

We’re saying goodbye to summer, and, heading full steam ahead into fall. Here are some posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – PrAACtically September: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Addressing the Social, Communication, and Behavioral Needs of  Secondary Students with ASD using Visual Supports Thursday – Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you have time for a bit more browsing, here are some posts you can explore. AAC Printables The Crust of AAC Every Second Counts Goodbye, Summer! A Clinician Prepares for a New  School Year 3 Ways to Use AAC Goals to Strengthen Implementation  

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 2

August 30, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 2

It’s a good day to talk training and we’re incredibly grateful to SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber for sharing her partner training resources with us. In addition to her work with the AT Team for Frederick County Public Schools in Maryland, Tabi serves young children and their families at West Virginia Birth to Three programs. In the initial post, Tabi introduced the overview module and its accompanying resources. Today, we move onto Module 2 where the focus is on aided language input. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Modeling AAC is unquestionably a key component of teaching AAC.  Most frequenters of PrAACtical AAC understand that modeling is a naturalistic strategy that functions to support language development by SPEAKING YOUR WORDS.  However, misconceptions abound, which often results in modeling opportunities characterized as imitation or compliance tasks.  This module unpacks the imperative of modeling to provide a common understanding of what it is (and is not), and why it is a... [Read More...]

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 1

August 23, 2018 by - 13 Comments

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 1

Are you… Hoping to train team members to be better communication partners for their AAC students/clients but overwhelmed by the thought of all the preparation? Relatively new to AAC and not sure what content to share in your training? Looking for additional resources to utilize in your existing training sessions? Good news, AAC friends! This post is for you. We’re so happy to have SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber returning to the blog to share more of her wonderful AAC resources. Tabi works with young children at the West Virginia Birth to Three program and serves on the AT Team for Frederick County Public Schools in Maryland. Today, she launches a new series on partner training that focuses on the use of aided language input and other facilitative strategies. There are 11 modules in all (1 overview for administrative discussions and 10 for communication partners) and each one includes slides, handouts, discussion prompts, links... [Read More...]