373 Search Results for complex communication

5 Reasons to Put AAC Training for Staff and Parents into the IEP

March 5, 2014 by - 6 Comments

5 Reasons to Put AAC Training for Staff and Parents into the IEP

SLPs tend to love (good, relevant) professional development. We flock to conferences (15,000+ ASHA attendees this past November), sign up for workshops, and attend webinars. But for some reason, we are reluctant to request training as part of the IEP process, even when we’re not very confident in our work with the student. Maybe we don’t want to acknowledge our need for it, or admit that there is something we don’t know (gasp!). Perhaps we’d just rather not make waves. We may ask for training informally, but it doesn’t always get tied to specific students’ IEPs, and that may mean that our requests get overlooked. Here are a few reasons why you may want to put staff training into IEPs when needed. We need it.  The complexity of the AAC field, diversity of this clinical population, and the rapid pace of change in technology make it very unlikely that any... [Read More...]

Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

March 3, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

We get so many questions about the best way to ‘do’ literacy with AAC learners that decided to build on the earlier posts from and talk more about the ways in which we can support the development of reading and writing skills. For AAC learners, the most important skill set (after communication) is the ability to read and write. When given the chance, we’d teach literacy before almost anything else. Why? First, because it opens the door to so many things. When someone can read and write they are more likely to be successful with academics, find jobs and develop real careers, and enjoy productive leisure time. Secondly, we find that it changes people’s perceptions of an AAC learner. When they see Billy writing or reading with comprehension, they understand that his severely limited speech does not reflect his intellect, motivation, or potential. It shapes their perception of him to... [Read More...]

Understanding Rett Syndrome by Sally-Ann Garrett

February 26, 2014 by - 5 Comments

Understanding Rett Syndrome by Sally-Ann Garrett

When we did our graduate training, there was little or no mention of Rett Syndrome, a genetic disorder involving a mutation of the MECP2 (Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2) gene on the long arm of the X chromosome. It is a complex disorder and the abilities of those who are affected by it are generally masked by the motor challenges that are a part of Rett. We’ve asked some professionals experienced in Rett and AAC to help us use this space to help us gain a better understanding of the disorder and its implications for AAC intervention. Sally-Ann Garrett (Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist; Reg. HCPC; MRCSLPT, Reg. ASLTIP) is one who agreed to do so and we are grateful for her perspective. Sally-Ann is semi-retired now but has worked with girls affected by Rett Syndrome for 30 of her 42 years as an SLT. She lived in Canada for a number... [Read More...]

The Power of Positive Reinforcement

February 24, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Power of Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement has a lot of power but it is a lot more than making a learner feel good about themselves. Positive reinforcement is the response to a behavior that will make that behavior occur again. In AAC and teaching terms, we are often thinking about a communicative or language behavior. We can also be thinking about a participation behavior that will allow a learner to have more access to meaningful language experiences. We are not usually thinking about ‘good art’ or ‘great work’.  By keeping in mind some top positive reinforcement strategies, you will be prepared to have varied individualized strategies that will make it most likely that the communication behaviors you are teaching will spontaneously occur again and again. Power Positive Reinforcement Strategies for AAC Learners: Natural Positive Reinforcers– It is naturally reinforcing to ask for an item and then be given that item. It is  naturally reinforcing... [Read More...]

31 Posts You May Have Missed in October

November 4, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

31 Posts You May Have Missed in October

Strategy of the Month Building Participation Building Participation with Older Learners Classroom Participation Community Participation PrAACtical Thinking Second Annual AAC Awareness Month Celebration! 5 Fun AAC Things to do to Get Ready for Halloween 30 Posts You May Have Missed in September Celebrate AAC Awareness Month with PrAACtical Giveaways Another PrAACtical Celebration How Can we Make ‘Clients’ ‘like’ Using their AAC ? 6 Things to Learn from Talking AAC Communicative Competence in AAC Throwback Thursday Core Word Round Up Celebrating AAC Awareness Month 2013 Halloween Recipes for Cooking AAC Style Fast FAACt- What 24 Cents Will Buy Perception & Presuming Competence 5 Ways to Promote Consistent AAC Use What Went Well How I Do It Implementing AIded Language Input with Alicia Garcia 5 AAC Things I Wish I Had Known with Deanne Shoyer Teach Me Tuesdays Alexicom AAC Proloquo2Go Video of the Week Everyone Communicates- Advocacy & Inclusion Developing Communicative Competence... [Read More...]

November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas

October 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas

More core word prAACtice ideas. Whether you are just getting started or have been working with core word vocabulary for a long time, the teaching strategies you use to TEACH, helps turn regular words into real communication and language.  Provide  Aided Language Input- ALI in Meaningful Language Experiences.  PrAACtice USING core words in many, many opportunities. Authentic, meaningful prAACtice is fun for everyone. This core word prAACtice is for November.  There is a lot of food, leaves, changes of weather, thankfulness, sharing, and holiday spirit. Here are some ideas of activities that can go with the core word words, phrases and sentences: Do art project– Make a turkey because there are many opportunities to use body.  From asking for the ‘body of the turkey” and asking for “feathers of the body” there can 50-100 opportunities for prAACtice.  You can do this with a beginning communicator  who can ask for a... [Read More...]

6 Things To Learn From Talking AAC

October 15, 2013 by - 4 Comments

6 Things To Learn from talking AAC- Tales from A Silent Tea

We participated in a silent tea. We used no tech, low tech, and high-tech AAC. For 1 hour.  With a group of graduate students, families, and clients. We only communicated with AAC, no natural speech. It was enlightening to say the least. We have done silent teas before, but not recently and as it turns out, a lot was forgotten.               Lessons Learned: Communication Takes Longer. Communication takes much longer when using a speech generating device. This is true even when you know the message you are trying to compose, even when you know where the symbols or words are located. We are pretty good at using pause time and waiting expectantly but realized we need to probably wait even longer for messages to be composed. As long as the interaction is continuing, waiting 45 seconds is not too long and if you see someone in... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: Building Participation

October 5, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Do you know any of our friends? Jenna can use a talking switch with only a little bit of support. But at calendar time, no one thinks of asking her a question. Hao knows almost two dozen signs and can use a communication wallet with non-signers. But at social gatherings, he’s mostly off to the side playing a game on his iPhone. Isaac uses his SGD capably and can create grammatically correct sentences that include noun phrases and conjunctions. But in Chemistry, his lab group conducts their experiments and writes up the lab report without his contributions. Sienna is able to choose between preferred and non-preferred items in a field of three and is learning to do so in a field of four. But the only time she gets to make a choice is at mealtimes. Like many of you, we put in countless hours helping children and adults who... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Ain’t No Stopping Us Now

September 26, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Ain't No Stopping Us Now

(updated/original version published on October 20, 2012) Sometimes saying ‘no’ to the demands of the day actually helps us rejuvenate and allows us to be more productive. Saying ‘no to false information helps us to advocate for ourselves.  The ‘no’ topic seems to be trending now.  There have been quite a few blog posts and comments about the issue (Just Say No,   How and When to Give Your Students A Break).  We are so glad that this topic is getting more focus.  Of course everyone agrees that ALL people have the right to say ‘no’. But it is not always so simple. There are many types of ‘no’.  There is the outright ‘no’, the ‘no’ to more work, the ‘no’ for disagreement, the ultra important ‘NO’ to unwanted touching, and many more. And depending upon how you say ‘no’ is the difference between it being accepted or… NOT. The issue... [Read More...]

5 AAC Strategies & The “Use It or Lose It” Philosophy

September 12, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 AAC Strategies & the Use it or Lose it philosophy

School has begun for almost everyone. Some classes have been in session for a while and routines have been formed, learning is taking place, behaviors have settled down. Now comes what can seem like the hard part: Keeping up with and expanding the strategies that helped students become successful.  Instead of trying to fade AAC displays/devices and visual supports, stick with the basics and expand how they can be used.  Because if you don’t use it, you may lose it. So: Keep up with: Visual Schedules– monthly, daily, and mini. Even if students know the schedule, continue to use it. Most of us would not like ‘losing’ our day planner or ‘to do’ lists even though we know our schedules. Aided Language Input First- Then Visual Support Visual Boundaries Access to a AAC Display/Device– And the display or device is with the student All the time, everywhere, charged, working, and... [Read More...]