878 Search Results for core vocabulary
April 17, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
In today’s featured video, we hear from Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty as they give us a sneak peek of what is in store for the activities that correspond to the May words in the Year of Core Vocabulary Words for older students. Take a look. Direct link to video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzgo36TKf1c
March 28, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
As March draws to a close, we extend our welcome to guest authors Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty, who are back with another set of core vocabulary resources for teaching older students. Today, this dynamic team has a rich array of materials and suggestions to help them build fluency with the April core vocabulary words. They also discuss how to support AAC users during a popular classroom activity, shared reading. SCHOOL YEAR OF CORE- Older Student Lessons The Google Slide Resources Weeks 1-2 Google Slides Weeks 3-4 Google Slides INTRODUCTION- April 2024 Welcome back to the School Year of Core – Older student lessons for middle school to adult learners. How are things going? How are the resources working for you and your learners? We would love your feedback and your ideas. If you have any slides that you find work especially well for your students and adult learners, please... [Read More...]
March 25, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Core vocabulary resources are the focus of today’s post. In 2013, when schools and other clinical programs were expanding their emphasis on teaching core vocabulary words, PrAACtical AAC published a set of resources for families and professionals that included symbol cards, sample sentences to model, activity suggestions, and more. All of these were based on a small set of core words for each month (see that post here). We followed that with a second set of Year of Core Vocabulary Word resources for a new list of words (click here for that post). Over the years, the resources were expanded and grew to include a wonderful series of calendars with daily activity suggestions developed by AAC SLP and co-founder of Talking AAC, Rachael Langley. Many other contributors over the years added to these efforts. In 2020, a new series was launched, School Year of Core Vocabulary Words, authored by guest contributors... [Read More...]
March 20, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Do you work with older students who are learning to use core words in their AAC systems? In today’s post, Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty provide a preview of things to come with their post on April resources for the wonderful School Year of Core Vocabulary – Older Student Lessons series. Take a look. Direct link to video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0a9QVneu5M&ab_channel=SchoolYearofCore
February 29, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Today, as we prepare to turn another page in the calendar, let’s take a look at the wonderful resources that guest authors Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty put together for the March core words. As expected, this dynamic team has some terrific ideas for your older students who are building their skills with core vocabulary. Their slide decks have a wonderful selection of activities that teachers and therapists can use in highlighting the March core vocabulary words. In the post below, they also share helpful information on using extension, expansion, and elaboration in guiding students toward increased linguistic competence. SCHOOL YEAR OF CORE- Older Student Lessons INTRODUCTION- March 2024 To the Parents, Teachers, Educators, Related Service Providers, Speech-Language Pathologists, Paraprofessionals, Friends, and other curious professionals or communicators – Welcome back to month three of the newest iteration of the SYOC- Older Student Lessons (OSL), March edition. We hope that as... [Read More...]
February 26, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Planning for comprehensive core vocabulary instruction? The Year of Core Vocabulary Words and The School Year of Core Vocabulary Words, two series of monthly resources for core vocabulary teaching, both have resources that can be helpful to therapists, educators, and families. We’re reprising those posts for anyone interested in following along and utilizing the resources developed by quite a few people in the AAC community. The initial series was based on a small set of core words for each month (see that post here). We followed that with a second set of Year of Core Vocabulary Word resources for a new list of words (click here for that post). Among the many resources are the activity calendars created by AAC SLP and co-founder of Talking AAC, Rachael Langley. There were many other contributors over the years who added to these efforts. The School Year of Core Vocabulary Words, authored by... [Read More...]
February 21, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty are back with a preview of what’s ahead with the March resources as they continue the School Year of Core Vocabulary – Older Student Lessons series. If you are working with older students who are learning to use core vocabulary words on their AAC systems check out the materials they developed along with their team of volunteers. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIKjdIdwRe4&ab_channel=SchoolYearofCore
January 25, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
It’s prAACtically February! Guest authors Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty are back with a lot of wonderful ideas for your older students who are building their skills with core vocabulary. Don’t miss the slide decks full of activities and the data collection forms specific to the February words. In this post, they also share helpful information on recasting, a strategy for supporting AAC learners. SCHOOL YEAR OF CORE- Older Student Lessons INTRODUCTION- February 2024 Welcome back to the School Year of Core – Older student lessons! It is our pleasure to introduce the next wave of engaging resources created for individuals in middle school through adulthood. We hope that this year continues to bring the joy of learning and connecting with others. Thank you for continuing to pursue new ways to support and motivate your students and adult learners to use core (& fringe) vocabulary to discuss the exciting topics... [Read More...]
January 17, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
Are you working with older students who are learning to use core vocabulary words on their AAC systems? Guest authors Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty worked with a team of volunteers to come up with some fun activities and materials for you to use. Here’s a sneak peek at the things you’ll find in their guest post next week. Enjoy! Direct link to video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy9LaUHwDwQ&ab_channel=SchoolYearofCore
January 10, 2024
by Carole Zangari -
In today’s post, we’re adding a bit of lighthearted fun to core vocabulary instruction. Thanks to Speech with Joe for the smiles! Explore his YouTube channel for more AAC fun. Direct Link to Videos – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqvbWwCnJs0&ab_channel=SpeechwithJoe ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYmAuDkMhNA&ab_channel=SpeechwithJoe ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5zoCONs4dU&ab_channel=SpeechwithJoe ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmniwDFd-QU&ab_channel=SpeechwithJoe