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PrAACtical Groups: Tips, Tricks, & Positive Outcomes

May 27, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Groups: Tips, Tricks, & Positive Outcomes

We hope that guest authors Marisa Portanova and Marnina Allis have inspired you to develop AAC groups for the children and adults you serve. Today, they wrap up their series with some final tips for creating and running successful groups. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PrAACtical AAC Groups Made Easy – Positive Outcome and Tips and Tricks  Our AAC groups were a hit, and we want to help you all knock it out of the park as well! We had some great positive outcomes we would like to share to help with motivation to get started. Variety of communication opportunities – talking about their weekends, playing fun games like HeadBandz, giving opinions about a book read Language learning opportunities – within literacy contexts and natural social environments Social interaction opportunities are hard to accomplish in 1:1 settings between child and therapist. These groups allowed for peer-to-peer interaction as well. They allowed children to see other... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Groups: Let’s Be Authors

May 20, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Groups: Let's Be Authors

Our series on AAC group therapy continues with guest authors Marisa Portanova and Marnina Allis. In today’s post, they share ideas for helping young AAC users enhance their literacy skills. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PrAACtical AAC Groups Made Easy – Let’s Be Authors Last week, we discussed our ongoing weekly groups. Once we had success and saw progress made in the weekly groups, we came up with the concept of “AAC intensive groups,” where children would come in over a school break for a week and participate in the AAC groups for 5 consecutive days, for a longer stretch (about two and a half hours). This gave children a chance to interact with children from different classes and helped reduce the regression of learned AAC skills over the school break. During those weeks, we picked one book per day for the first 4 days. Day 5 was for review, discussing opinions of each... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Groups: AAC Let’s Have a Weekly Social  

May 13, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Groups: AAC Let’s Have a Weekly Social  

We’re excited to welcome back guest authors Marisa Portanova and Marnina Allis to extend the conversation about running AAC groups for children. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PrAACtical AAC Groups Made Easy – Let’s Have a Weekly Social  Lions and tigers and AAC groups, OH MY! Group therapy can be intimidating. We have some tips, tricks and ideas we want to share to help you get started. Let’s jump in!  So welcome back, and thanks for following along our AAC group’s journey with us. Within Blythedale Children’s Hospital, we have a school program run in coordination with the Mount Pleasant Blythedale Union Free School District. These children come to school on a regular school calendar, including the extended school year 6-week summer session. Once we were doing groups with our verbal children, we decided to start groups for our AAC users. We wanted to model core language and target literacy, so we made... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Groups: AAC Groups Made Easy – How to Get Started 

May 6, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Groups: AAC Groups Made Easy – How to Get Started 

Today we welcome two new guest authors, Marisa Portanova and Marnina Allis, to share their experiences in running AAC groups. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PrAACtical AAC Groups Made Easy – How to Get Started  All speech language pathologists do group therapy. It’s a great way to work on pragmatic skills, but lots of other skills too. It can also be motivating and fun for the participants. Have you thought about groups for AAC users but weren’t sure where to start? We are Marisa and Marnina, SLPs at Blythedale Children’s Hospital, and we started groups for our AAC users.  Over the next few blog posts, you will learn more about these, but today, we will discuss the overview and some tips and tricks that helped make them successful.    Marisa and Marnina are SLPs at Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Westchester County, NY.  They are part of the Assistive Technology team, where they do multi-disciplinary... [Read More...]

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words – Older Student Lessons: AAC Resources for April

March 28, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words – Older Student Lessons: AAC Resources for April

As March draws to a close, we extend our welcome to guest authors Michaela Sullivan and Lindsay Dougherty, who are back with another set of core vocabulary resources for teaching older students. Today, this dynamic team has a rich array of materials and suggestions to help them build fluency with the April core vocabulary words. They also discuss how to support AAC users during a popular classroom activity, shared reading. SCHOOL YEAR OF CORE- Older Student Lessons  The Google Slide Resources Weeks 1-2 Google Slides Weeks 3-4 Google Slides INTRODUCTION- April 2024 Welcome back to the School Year of Core – Older student lessons for middle school to adult learners.  How are things going? How are the resources working for you and your learners? We would love your feedback and your ideas. If you have any slides that you find work especially well for your students and adult learners, please... [Read More...]

An AAC Christmas Tale

December 22, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town Not a creature was stirring, they were all safe and sound. The stockings were hung by their chimneys with care, In hopes that AAC Elves would soon visit there. The teachers were nestled all snug in their beds, With visions of lesson plans banished from their heads. The therapists with data sheets and the strategies they love best, Had just settled in for a good winter-break rest. When outside the schoolyard, there arose such a clatter I rushed toward the window to see what was the matter. Stepping on Legos (does that pain ever fade?) I ran to the window and lifted the shade. With her silvery face, the moon shone from the night sky, Illuminating the landscape from her perch way up high. And what to my sleep-deprived eyes should appear But an accessible sleigh, and 8 AT reindeer. “Now SwitchMount and Talker; On Gazer and HighTechs! Go Pixon and Charger; On CoreBoard and PowerPECS!” (Bespoke voices! Good speakers! Volume turned up to 10. Fringe and core to the rescue! Robust vocabulary for the win!) And then, in a twinkling, the Elves dashed through the snow, Toting bags stuffed with packages, their eyes all aglow. Switch-toys, and Play-Doh. The elusive Cariboo?? 3-D printers and circuits for the AT Makers, too. For the Clinic, lots of fun things for strong girls and boys: Sensory bins, craft supplies, and new wind-up toys. With squeeze balls and fidgets to calm anxious brains, Books and puzzles with Elmo and Thomas the Train. At School, they left chargers and lots of App Store gift cards; Plus ‘Buddy Benches’ and adapted swings for all recess yards. For the classroom, a Smart Board to project the skills kids are gaining. And - miracle of miracles - a designated Sub for all AAC training! For the families, they unpacked the best gift of all, An AAC-loving team, determined that barriers will fall. No resistance, no excuses, no rejection letters or delays. True collaboration?! The happiest of days!! Presuming potential for learning to make comments and retorts, And confidence in good teaching and appropriate supports The AAC Elves dashed back to the sleigh on this magical night, They signed “Happy Holidays to All” and drove out of sight. And as they departed, flying into the star-speckled sky, Voices came from everywhere, deep below and up high. “Strength for the AAC journey,” I heard those Elf voices call, “Communication is our birthright, the greatest gift of all.” May you never be too old to search the skies on Christmas Eve, AAC friends!

With Christmas Eve just around the corner, we thought we’d celebrate the season with an AAC take on this treasured tale. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas A Visit from St. Nicholas ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town Not a creature was stirring, they were all safe and sound. The stockings were hung by their chimneys with care, In hopes that AAC Elves would soon visit there. The teachers were nestled all snug in their beds, With visions of lesson plans banished from their heads. The therapists with data sheets and the strategies they love best, Had just settled in for a good winter-break rest. When outside the schoolyard, there arose such a clatter I rushed toward the window to see what was the matter. Stepping on Legos (does that pain ever fade?) I ran to the window and lifted the shade. With her silvery face, the... [Read More...]

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Bilingual Literacy & AAC

December 11, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Bilingual Literacy & AAC

Our yearlong series on multilingual AAC support, guest-authored by BilingüeAAC, is drawing to a close. In today’s post, Melissa Tapia and Sarah Lee address AAC, bilingualism, and literacy. BilingüeAAC is a group of SLPs with a shared belief in providing evidence-based intervention strategies and resources to bilingual Spanish AAC clients, families, caregivers, and professionals. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bilingual Literacy & AAC Welcome back to our Bilingue AAC Series! You can find our previous posts linked here, which wonderfully highlight best practices in bilingualism and AAC. (Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5). We are excited to dive into our topic of bilingualism, literacy, and AAC and how we can effectively provide literacy intervention in culturally affirming ways with our Bilingual* AAC users. *Clarification: We address “bilingual populations”; however, the resources discussed are specifically for Spanish/English speaking populations. Several of the suggestions can be broadly applied to other languages. The goal... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Hanukkah: Resources & Activities for an AAC-friendly Celebration

December 7, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACticallt Hanukkah: Resources & Activities for an AAC-friendly Celebration

Tonight is the start of the 8-day celebration of Hanukkah. In recognition of the holiday, we’re sharing some AAC-friendly resources that might be helpful to those who celebrate or are learning about this festival of lights. This treasure trove of resources from Gateways includes symbols for prayers and songs, social narratives, instructions for lighting the menorah, Hanukkah fire safety, games, and activities. Hanukkah Resources Hanukkah Crafts with Visual Directions by Simply Visual Communication Boards for Hanukkah and Christmas for AAC Users by Susan Berkowitz Hanukkah Short Story Comprehension and Retell with Visuals by MollyB SLP Hanukkah Shared Reading | Project & Trace Chart Worksheet by Cooper’s Crayon Box Digital Token Boards FREEBIE (Hanukkah Edition) – BOOM Cards by Speech Bop Hanukkah/Dreidel Classroom Supports by Miss Laidlaw’s Classroom Free Spanish / English “My Hanukkah” Emergent Reader Mini-book by Miss Shibz Hanukkah recipes and books from PreK Pages Silly Hanukkah Joke Tellers... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Creating Buy-in

December 6, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Creating Buy-in

How learners see the role of AAC in their lives impacts the degree to which they use their communication boards, books, and speech-generating devices. This video, from Gift of Gab, shares a simple idea for how to support acceptance and buy-in of AAC. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OtUYewAfkk&ab_channel=TheGiftofGabSpeechTherapy