1456 Search Results for link up

Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies

September 7, 2013 by - 9 Comments

Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies

Most of our conversations with SLPs about teaching literacy to individuals with AAC needs revolve around the ‘How’s.” “How can I possibly teach reading and writing? I don’t have enough time with her to teach language and communication!” “How am I going to teach reading to someone who can’t sound out words? Or writing to someone who can barely use a pencil or keyboard?” In general, SLPs WANT to teach literacy skills. They understand the importance of this skill set and how it can level the playing field for people with communication difficulties. They know that reading and writing are inherently linked to speaking and listening. They know that literacy is a powerful key that unlocks many, many doors. And yet, getting from there to the point of actually teaching clients with AAC needs to read and write is not something we do enough of. This month, we’ll look at ways... [Read More...]

6 Reasons to Thank App Developers

August 23, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

6 Reasons to Thank An App Developer

As you know, we love combining apps in intervention as one tool for engaging learners in meaningful language activities.  Apps can also be used within home prAACtice  and ‘waiting time’ recommendations. Some of the apps we use and recommend are made for general  as well as  special education while others are just everyday apps developed  to make life easier.  When we use the apps for communication and language there are some features that help many of our students.  Additionally, there are updates and other things that really help educators.  This is just a beginning list of app features we love (feel free to write with more). THANKYOU APP DEVELOPERS FOR: Listening to feedback- we have emailed many app developers with ‘feedback’ and have always received responses and often that feedback is incorporated into updates to the app. Building  in choice making opportunities- We love apps that require active participation on the part... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Partnerships: AAC and Academics

August 17, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Partnerships: AAC and Academics

Like many of you, we are always racking our brains trying to help students who use AAC be successful academically. Because we serve these students in a clinical setting, we could easily pass on the opportunity to align our AAC goals with academic standards but what would be the fun in that? Here are some things we try to think about with school-aged kids who have AAC needs. SLP to SLP If it takes a village to raise a child, how many people does it take to help a kids with AAC needs to develop communicative competence and succeed academically? It boggles the mind. As SLPs, message is this: We have to work together. Many kids who use AAC have private therapies in addition to their school services, and yet, we rarely connect. We have to find a way to do a better job at this so that kids with... [Read More...]

AAC ‘Must Haves’ for the Classroom and Speech Room

August 10, 2013 by - 2 Comments

AAC 'Must Haves' for the Classroom & Speech Room

As we were getting ready for back to school and thinking about ‘must haves’, it quickly became apparent that it is not so easy to narrow it down. And the ‘must haves’ would definitely vary depending upon type of class, students, and even school.  Based on a wide variety of differences, we organized a wide variety of choices to explore (we apologize in advance if we got carried away but…). Choose what you need, bookmark what  you may need later and let us know your  ‘must haves’ for a classroom and speech room AAC collaborative approach.  We will create an ongoing list. Get Started Before School Starts         Do these 10 Things to Get Started with AAC  if you are new to an AAC student or classroom Provide AAC Support in the Classroom. Support teachers and educators with tips from Jane Farrall, & learn about AAC in the Classroom by Joan... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: Back to School with AAC

August 3, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Back to School with AAC

Here in the US, August is Back-to-School month. Throughout this month, we’ll try to post ideas and resources to help make the transition back to school a smooth and successful one. One of the most important things for students who use AAC is having their SLPs, teachers, and families on the same page. They each have a different but very intense relationship with the student’s AAC system. Here are some prAACtical thoughts on getting everyone on the same page. 1.  Develop a communication profile of the student: In the initial weeks, try to get a baseline of how the student is communicating at the start of the year. For beginning communicators, we track things like their communicative intents (WHY they are communicating), modalities (HOW they are communicating), and the frequency of their communication. We’ve written about one of our favorite tools for this, the Communication Matrix. 2. Share what you know:... [Read More...]

5 Resources for Social Narratives

July 29, 2013 by - 2 Comments

5 Resources for Social Narratives

Social Stories™ are a research-supported strategy for helping people to better understand situations and concepts by making these events and the expected behavior within the events more explicit. Initially developed by Carol Gray of The Gray Center, they have a specific structure with rules for development. Here’s a quick overview. Direct Link to Video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjlIYYbVIrI Other people have developed their own form of social narratives with similar goals but a more flexible structure. If you’re looking for information and ideas for using social stories and narratives, take a look at some of the resources below. First, let’s take care of an important question that should be on the mind of anyone thinking about using social narratives. Where’s the evidence regarding the effectiveness of this strategy? Lucky for us, much of it has been collected at the National Professional Development Center on ASD. Here in our own state, the Florida Diagnostic... [Read More...]

5 Great Ways to Help People with AAC Needs Develop Inner Speech

July 19, 2013 by - 3 Comments

5 Ways to Help Those with AAC Needs to Develop Inner Speech

Inner speech is important. Recent research has strengthened our belief that developing inner speech is an important strategy for many people who use AAC and are working to build their literacy, sensory, and language skills.  But how do we teach someone to develop that inner voice? Here are some ideas. 1. Begin by using a ‘think aloud’ strategy to make your internal thought processes obvious to the person who uses AAC. Articulating your thoughts as you work through different communication and literacy learning processes gives the learner insight into what you are thinking. Once they are used to that, it is easier to introduce the concept of private/inner speech. – 2. Use explicit instruction. “Say it to yourself.” “Say it in your head.” Using natural gestures, like tapping your temple, can be helpful as well. We’ve found that this allows us to reduce the prompting over time. Fade the verbal prompt and... [Read More...]

4+ AAC Tips for Talking About Past Events- July 4th

July 8, 2013 by - 2 Comments

4 AAC Tips for Talking about July 4th After the Festivities

Make a Plan – Schedule a time to ‘talk about the past event (July 4th). The plan can include a ‘talk time’ or a time to collect remnants, photos, or related items from the event.  Use a calendar or schedule to plan AAC style. Put Together A ‘Talking’ Photo Album– Gather all the photos from the activity and put together a talking photo album. You can use any talking photo album where you record a voice or use a story creation app that has recorded (digitized) or computer generated speech (synthesized). The process of making the photo album can be the ‘past event’ conversation and/or a review/reading can be the ‘conversation’. For some learners, turning the pages is the beginning of talking about past events while for other learners the pictures will be the opportunity for the conversation.  It is helpful to use  text and speech as you create the... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: “I Just Want to Belong” Meaningful Inclusion

June 23, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: “I Just Want to Belong” Meaningful Inclusion

For school-aged children, few things are more painful that being excluded from a group. Today we’re excited to share a series of videos from SET-BC on the topic of social inclusion. Laurie Smith and Lorraine Kamp produced two substantial videos entitled Speaking Out and Joining In. They also have links with shorter videos on some of the strategies. Quick Soapbox: Fellow SLPs, this is important stuff. All the AAC in the world won’t matter if people are isolated or lonely. The communication and social skills it takes to develop and maintain meaningful relationships outside of the family is something that we can address in the goals we write and the therapy we provide. We can do something about this.

Safety Matters: 5 Resources for People who Use AAC

June 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Safety Matters: 5 Resources for People who Use AAC

  Though she was not the first of my clients with cerebral palsy who made me think long and hard about safety, Marla was the one who kept me up at night. It was the seventies, and I was a PCA when institutionalization was on the way out and community living was gaining ground. Marla lived on her own in an apartment and, for awhile when I was a college student, I visited her in the morning to get her up and at night to put her to bed. During the day, she could get around reasonably well and call for help if she needed it. But at night, after she was settled in bed, she was pretty much stuck there until someone returned in the morning. She didn’t have the physical skills to use a phone while lying down, and, if there was AT that would have helped, I... [Read More...]