448 Search Results for autism

AACtual Therapy: AAC & Predictable Chart Writing

September 24, 2020 by - 2 Comments

AACtual Therapy: AAC & Predictable Chart Writing

Predictable chart writing is one of my favorite ways to get kids who are new to writing comfortable with a writing routine. Today, our guest author Ashley Larisey shares detailed information that will help you implement this well and have fun doing it. And she helps us understand how to do this successfully in remote teaching. Ashley is an SLP at Community High School District 218 in Oak Lawn, Illinois. She is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor and Instructor at Saint Xavier University. In today’s post, she breaks down the steps of using predictable chart writing, points us to relevant resources, and provides a video overview of the process. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Predictable Chart Writing As many educators look for new and innovative ways to bring comprehensive literacy instruction into their practice, one of the first strategies that comes up in a quick google search is Predictable Chart Writing (PCW). PCW... [Read More...]

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 1 (August) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

August 31, 2020 by - 9 Comments

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 1 (August) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

August may be on the way out but the words for this month are useful all throughout the year. The new Year of Core Words School Edition is in development and the plan is to get these monthly to you prior to the start of each month so that you can plan and prepare. Please bear with us for the first few posts as we get up to speed. Each of the monthly posts will highlight a selected set of words and a suggested order in which to teach them. You’ll also find resources, such as Activity Sheets for each word and data collection forms, and information on a key intervention strategy. The series authors, Michaela Sullivan, Beth Lytle, and Alisa Lego, created an introduction that you may want to review before digging into this month’s target words. You can see that here. Enjoy Month 1 of the School Year... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Introductions: Meet…A Year of Core Vocabulary Words – School Edition (by Michaela Sullivan, Beth Lytle, & Alisa Lego)

August 29, 2020 by - 13 Comments

A Year of Core Words-School Edition

Much has changed since we first wrote about the Year of Core Vocabulary Words and began publishing monthly word lists, symbol cards, activity ideas, and book suggestions. It is gratifying to see the concept and these resources being used by teachers, clinicians, and parents. Today, we introduce an expansion of that concept with a specific focus on school-based AAC support. Say hello to the School Year of Core Words series. Conceptualized and created by AAC SLP Michaela Sullivan, and two pre-professional SLP students, Beth Lytle and Alisa Lego, the series begins with this introduction to the Level 1 and Level 2 words, and some information about what to expect as the series progresses. It will be followed by monthly posts with ideas, resources, and materials. The series follows a US academic calendar, running from August through June. You can learn more about the School Year of Core Word series creators,... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Visuals, Timers, & Zoom

August 26, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Visuals, Timers, & Zoom

In many places, parents and professionals are struggling to help students acclimate to online learning. In today’s video, we feature a session hosted by the Indiana Resource Center for Autism. Check out the tips and suggestions that Leslie Brown provides to help learners be successful in online learning through the use of visual supports and timers. Click on the image below to view this video. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR8Odb6AgI0

PrAACtically Reading: Books Featuring Children & Youth with Disabilities

August 17, 2020 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtically Reading: Books Featuring Children & Youth with Disabilities

Here in the US, a new school year is starting, and while it will look very different from the previous years, we always get excited for the opportunity to consider new educational materials. In today’s post, we’ve listed books that include characters with disabilities for those who may want to include those in their educational programs. The books in these lists vary in terms of their subject, target audience, and reading level. As with any book that you consider providing to children and youth, be sure to review it first to determine its appropriateness for the individual reader. Some of the books, particularly those for teens, have scenes that are intense and may contain mature content, and/or strong language. Note: If you have others that you would recommend, please reach out to us and we will update the list. Books Featuring Children & Youth with Disabilities AAC Dancing Daisies (2013)... [Read More...]

The Role of Meaning Making with Beginning Communicators: Motivating Interactions

July 20, 2020 by - 2 Comments

The Role of Meaning Making with Beginning Communicators: Motivating Interactions

Finding ways to engage AAC learners is important to professionals across disciplines and service delivery settings. In today’s post, we feature guest author Kate McLaughlin, who is an SLP serving individuals with AAC needs in Connecticut. She shares a perspective on building engagement through the perspective of meaning making.   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “Motivating” Emergent Communicators through Shared “Meaning-Making” & Communication Responsibility Are you a speech-language pathologist (SLP), teacher, or parent supporting an emergent AAC learner? Maybe you are just starting AAC with a learner who has a complex profile (for example, significant motor impairments, difficulties with motor planning, and/or sensory processing differences)? Maybe you have a learner who has learned to ask for some favorite things, but is not communicating beyond that? Do you struggle to “motivate” them? You’re not alone. I’ve met many kids who have been described as “not motivated to communicate.” I’ve also met many parents and professionals... [Read More...]

AACtual Therapy: Using Aided Language Modeling

July 6, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy: Using Aided Language Modeling

Although we’ve written extensively on the role of modeling in AAC, there are always new perspectives to consider regarding this evidence-based and widely-used strategy. Today, we feature SLPs Kate Grandbois and Amy Wonkka who share their approach to aided language modeling. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bringing it all Together:  Aided Language Modeling Most SLPs working in AAC have come across a variety of different interventions in their practice.  Some, like aided language modeling, are popular and commonly seen at conferences. They are the most popular option on the intervention buffet.  Others, like discrete trial training, are like the mystery meat – you think you know what it is, you don’t think you’re going to like it, and you’re going to watch while someone else tries it first. Sometimes these teaching procedures are straightforward, and sometimes they are confusing, intimidating, or complicated.  You may find that choosing which intervention to use is influenced by... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #25: June 2020

June 21, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #25: June 2020

Happy Sunday, AAC friends, and Happy Father’s Day to the dads out there. Here are some posts that might be of interest. Monday –  PrAACtically Juneteenth: AAC Ideas for Learning & Celebration Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week – Effective Coaching of AAC Partners Thursday – Asking Good Questions During Interactive Book Reading with AAC Learners :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Still have an appetite for AAC? Here are a handful of past posts to browse. Faces of AAC: Making It Work in a Busy Family PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book Family Collaboration by Dr. Barry Prizant From Presence to Contribution: A Family’s Journey Toward and Inclusive Life From ‘No AAC’ to ‘AAC All Day, Every Day!’ Autism and AAC: 5 Things I Wish I Had Known

PrAACtical Resources: ASHA’s AAC Evidence Map

May 4, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: ASHA’s AAC Evidence Map

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month here in the US and in celebration of that, today’s post features an important resource from the American Speech-Language-Heating Association. The AAC Evidence Map was launched a few years ago and has been growing steadily since that time. ASHA’s Evidence Maps call attention to the three pillars of evidence-based practice (EBP): scientific evidence, clinical expertise, and client values/perspectives They were created for many different areas within the field of speech-language pathology and address clinical services across disability and age groups. Each of the 40+ evidence maps includes information on assessment, intervention, and service delivery for that specific communication difficulty. The information in each one comes from a variety of sources, including refereed journals and professional organizations in several countries.  The AAC Evidence Map includes two types of external scientific information, Clinical Guidelines, and systematic reviews. Individuals studies are not included here. There are... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #14: April 2020

April 5, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #14: April 2020

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Hope you are adjusting as best you can to this new reality of ours. If you need to catch up on some AAC reading, take a look at what we published this past week. Monday – PrAACtically April – AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words: The Learn-at-Home Edition Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Enhancing Communication for Individuals with Autism  Thursday – AAC Learning at a Distance ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Still have time for a little more reading? Here are some additional posts for you to explore. Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Information Transfer How I Do It: Encouraging AAC Implementation (Lauren Enders) PrAACtical Ways to Make Decisions About Thematic Therapy Materials In the Treasure Bag: Using Sharing Time to Focus on Vocabulary AAC in Motion: Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk with Tanna Neufeld