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Overlooked AAC, Part 2

July 25, 2022 by - 1 Comment

Overlooked AAC, Part 2

If you’ve ever engaged the services of a babysitter, housekeeper, or pet sitter, you can probably relate to the thought and planning that went into those initial interactions. Chances are, a lot of care went into building a trusting relationship as you tried to clearly communicate expectations and explain in detail the processes and procedures they would be undertaking in your absence. Having someone else care for that which we cherish and hold dear, is a big deal.  We cover the basics – where the diapers are, how to prepare their food, daily routines – and much more. Favorite toys. What it means when they say/do ___. How to do __ in just the right way. We even provide written backup, like a schedule and a list of contacts. The information we share is critical. We can’t imagine trusting a babysitter we’re meeting for the first time to provide a... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Summertime & AAC

June 23, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Summertime & AAC

Given that summer is officially in bloom, we thought it might be helpful to reach into the archives for past posts with a summery bent. Take a look. PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: How Do You Know It’s Summer?   A Recipe for Summer AAC   Summer Reading  A Few AAC Blog Suggestions   5 AAC Suggestions  3 Book Suggestions Apps to Prepare, Learn, & Talk About Summer Vacation   PrAACtical Summer Activities AAC-friendy Camps