687 Search Results for communication book

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 45: November 2021

November 7, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 45: November 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have a handful of posts for you. Monday – AAC at Upcoming Professional Conferences: 3 Online Learning Opportunities Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Implementing Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for Students Who Use AAC Thursday – AAC Fair Testing Practices: Test Administration Procedures Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados Con Links – Noviembre 2021 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, why not sample some of these past posts? Organizing Vocabulary for Communication Books: Getting Started More on Teaching Core Vocabulary Join Together Core and Fringe AAC In the Classroom: Considerations for Modeling Core Vocabulary PrAACtical Resources: Mini Communication Boards

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: 5 Common Challenges

October 18, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: 5 Common Challenges

Goal writing is a challenging topic even for veteran AAC service providers. Today, we continue the AAC Goal Writing series guest authored by  AAC and AT expert, Lauren Enders, who works as an AAC/AT Consultant for Bucks County Intermediate Unit in eastern Pennsylvania. A frequent presenter at local, regional, and national conferences, Lauren uses her knowledge to support families and professionals alike. In this post, she provides suggestions for addressing some of the most common challenges in writing AAC goals and objectives.   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FIVE COMMON AAC GOAL WRITING CHALLENGES In the inaugural post of this series, you learned that if you feel intimidated by the process of writing goals and objectives for AAC learners, you are not alone. AAC goal writing can be intimidating. The good news is that with guidance, resources, tools, and practice, AAC goal writing gets easier. In this post, we’ll examine common AAC goal writing... [Read More...]

AAC in Secondary School: 5 Progress Monitoring Tips for Secondary Students

August 16, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in Secondary School: 5 Progress Monitoring Tips for Secondary Students

  Looking for guidance or support regarding middle and high school students who use AAC? Today, we are pleased to welcome back AAC SLP Ashley Larisey for another post in the AAC in Secondary School series. Ashley is an SLP at Community High School District 218 in Oak Lawn, Illinois. She is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor and Instructor at Saint Xavier University. In today’s post, she shares thoughts on progress monitoring for high school students who are learning to use AAC. You can view Ashley’s previous posts in this series here. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5 Progress Monitoring Tips for Secondary Students Looking for guidance on meaningful progress monitoring for your high school/post-secondary students? Hopefully, these tips and accompanying resources will help guide you towards ensuring that your instruction is supporting your learner in reaching their communicative potential – beyond the formal educational years! Writing Meaningful Goals Ensuring that your progress monitoring... [Read More...]

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: Laying a Solid Foundation

August 2, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Goal Writing with Lauren Enders: Laying a Solid Foundation

Writing goals for AAC learners, whether they are beginning communicators or focusing on more advanced linguistic concepts, can be tricky and intimidating. Today, we introduce a new series authored by PrAACtical AAC friend and AAC/AT expert Lauren Enders to give us insight on the process and tips for developing strong goals and objectives. Throughout this series, Lauren shares her perspective developed from her years of experience in public schools and as a nationally recognized presenter. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Though it may be hard to believe, back-to-school is around the corner! As we get ready to head back into the classroom, now seems like the perfect time to launch a series exploring best practices to consider when writing IEPs for our AAC learners. The thought of crafting IEP goals and objectives for students who are learning to use AAC strikes fear into the hearts of many SLPs, special education teachers, and other school... [Read More...]

AAC Parking Spots

July 19, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Parking Spots

As AAC practitioners well know, the ideal place for an SGD or communication board/book is on or near the communicator at all times. They may wear the device on a harness, carry it with a strap or handle, or have it mounted on a wheelchair so that it is easily accessible throughout the day.  It’s clear: The best situation is for the device to be within arm’s reach of the communicator at all times. In the real world, however, it can take years to turn this best practice into a reality. In the meantime, it can help to find a space in each room or section of the classroom where the device will ‘live’ when not in use.  What’s an AAC Parking Spot? Simply put, this refers to a designated place for the AAC device in each room of your home or each section of your classroom. When the AAC... [Read More...]

AAC in Secondary School: AACcessibility during Community Based Instruction

June 21, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in Secondary School: AACcessibility during Community Based Instruction

Many students who use AAC spend some time in community-based instruction during their teenage years. In today’s post, AAC SLP Ashley Larisey discusses this topic in a continuation of the AAC in Secondary School series. Ashley is an SLP at Community High School District 218 in Oak Lawn, Illinois. She is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor and Instructor at Saint Xavier University. Additionally, Ashley presents on AAC topics at professional conferences. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AACcessibility During Community Based Instruction Community-Based Instruction (CBI) is a meaningful, engaging, and highly motivating experience for many students with disabilities, particularly those students who are high-school-aged and beyond. For AAC users, CBI provides opportunities to communicate with unfamiliar communication partners for many different purposes. However, when students are out and about, it can be easy to overlook the ease of access that can exist within the educational environment. However, it is just as important for AAC... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 22: May 2021

May 30, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 22: May 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts that you might like. Monday – PrAACtically June: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary Words Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Diversity in AAC Apps Thursday – Throwback Thursday: Getting the Team on Board :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Before you head out the door, here are a few posts to explore in honor of Aphasia Awareness Month, which begins this week. Making It Work: 6 AAC Strategies for People with Aphasia Low Tech AAC for Adults with Aphasia: What Does That Mean? A Fresh Look at AAC & Aphasia with Dr. Kristy Weissling 5 Questions about Aphasia & Communication Books Bridging the Gap: Helping People with Aphasia to Compensate for Their Language Difficulties

AAC in Secondary School: 5 AACtionable Steps to Support the Transition Process

April 5, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in Secondary School: 5 AACtionable Steps to Support the Transition Process

We’re back with another post in our series focusing on supporting students to use AAC during their high school years. AAC SLP Ashley Larisey, an SLP at Community High School District 218 in Oak Lawn, Illinois, is here to discuss ways to support students who use AAC as they prepare to transition out of school. Ashley, who is also an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor and Instructor at Saint Xavier University, has some prAACtical suggestions that will be of interest to SLPs, OTs, teachers, and parents alike. Enjoy! 5 AACtionable Steps to Support the Transition Process Do you have a student on your caseload who uses AAC and will be aging out of special education services soon? This can be an incredibly exciting time, but it can also be full of feelings of uncertainty. Hopefully, we have put in a lot of time and effort into supporting AAC users, their families, and... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #43: October 2020

October 25, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #43: October 2020

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We’ve rounded up some posts that may be of interest. Monday – How I Do It: Supporting Spanish-speaking AAC Learners Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: AAC Explainer for Descriptive Teaching Thursday – How I Do It: Functional Ideas for AAC Use at Home :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Looking for a few more posts to browse? Take a look. PrAACtically Halloween! Considerations for an AAC-Friendly Holiday Halloween Recipes for Cooking AAC Style 5+ Fun AAC Things to Do to Get Ready for Halloween The Communication Book is Ready! Now, What? AACtual Therapy: Teaching the Use of Social Phrases and Comments

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #45: November 2019

November 10, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #45: November 2019

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We’ve got some AAC reading for you to catch up on. Monday – PrAACtical Resources: Mini Communication Boards Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Tips for Supporting Students Who Use AAC in School Thursday – Make It PrAACtical: DIY Adapted Toys :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, why not sample some of these past posts? Organizing Vocabulary for Communication Books: Getting Started More on Teaching Core Vocabulary Join Together Core and Fringe AAC In the Classroom: Considerations for Modeling Core Vocabulary If you’re looking for more in-depth information on teaching language to AAC users, join us in Orlando in January for a full-day workshop. Use the slider on the graphic below to learn more and find the registration link.