1789 Search Results for video of the week

Video Modeling and AAC

January 12, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Video Modeling and AAC

Video modeling is an empirically supported instructional strategy that can help some learners acquire and use a range of new skills. It involves videotaping the expected or desired behavior so that our clients can see, hear, and better understand the skills they are trying to learn. We’ve posted videos about it in the past and know that many of you use it or have considered using it in your clinical practice. Most of the applications have been with speaking children and young adults, but many AAC learners can benefit as well. If you’re thinking of trying out this strategy in your own practice, here are some resources that might be helpful. In a nutshell: Visit the National Center for Professional Development on Autism to review the EBP practice brief on video modeling. Their documents are great for sharing with families and other team members, too. Getting started: Visit Dr. Christine Reeve’s... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 52, December 2014

December 27, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 52, December 2014

Sunday – Video of the Week: Aided Language Input During Book Reading Monday – AAC Learning Takes Time Tuesday – Communicating with People Who are Learning to Use AAC: 5 Strategies We Can’t Live Without Wednesday – Watch It Wednesday: Completely PrAACtical Thursday – Happy Holidays! Friday – PrAACtical Resource: Feature Match Chart

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 50, December 2014

December 13, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 50, December 2014

Sunday – Video of the Week: AAC & ASD with Dr. Joanne Cafiero Monday – “Speak To Me In My New Language” Tuesday – Research Tuesday: AAC & Challenging Behavior Wednesday – Communicating with CommuniKate Thursday – AACtual Therapy: Fun and Functional in the Kitchen Friday – PrAACtical Plans: Just for Today

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 49, December 2014

December 6, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 49, December 2014

Sunday –Video of the Week: Are These the Right Words? Monday – 5 Resources for Making and Using Visual Scene Displays Tuesday – Call for Action: Public Comments on AAC Device Funding Wednesday – Watch It Wednesday: Dream On Thursday – Taking AACtion Friday – Make It PrAACtical: Recessing the iPad