PrAACtically St. Patrick’s Day: AAC-friendly Resources

Looking for some stories, activities, and recipes that are AAC-friendly? Here are some resources that might be of interest.
- It’s St. Patrick’s Day
- This is St. Patrick’s Day
- What Do You See St. Patrick’s Day Parade?
- Clovers for Me and You
- What People Like About St. Patrick’s Day
- St Patrick’s Day
- How to Catch a Leprechaun
- At the End of the Rainbow
- Pat the Leprechaun
- Shamrocks Everywhere!
- St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt by A Cupcake for the Teacher
- St. Patrick’s Day ‘Would You Rather?’ Questions by Rachel Lynette
- Make a Wish Lucky 4-Leaf Clover by Expressive Monkey
- Limerick Writing by Rockin Resources
- Write Your Own Limericks by Addie Williams
- I Have Who Has? St. Patrick’s Day by Kathryn Knight
- Lucky Scavenger Hunt by Julie Hipple
- St. Patrick’s Day Sorting Mat by Juanita Pritchard
- St. Patrick’s Day Cariboo Cards by Ricki Block
- St. Patrick’s Day Cariboo Cards by Jamie Roche
- St. Patrick’s Day Bingo by Katy Hillger
- Semantic Map by Teresa Conowal
- St. Patrick’s Day Cootie Catcher by Lori Binko
- St. Patrick’s Day ‘Go Fish’ by Lori Binko
- St. Patrick’s Day Surprise by Julia King
- Shamrock Shake by Speechie Educator
- Shrek Smoothie by Laurie’s Little Monkeys
- Shamrock Juice by Miss Ashlee’s Class
- Lucky Leprechaun Floats by Cross Cat Resources
- Leprechaun Bait by Kristine Lamb
And finally, don’t forget to check out all of the implementation ideas from Karen Natoci that go along with reading In My Pot of Gold.
Filed under: Featured Posts
This post was written by Carole Zangari