Video of the Week: Tangible Symbols for AAC Use

July 6, 2022 by - 1 Comment

Video of the Week: Tangible Symbols for AAC Use

For some individuals, the use of objects to represent nouns, verbs, and other words can open doors to communication and language. Today, we feature a video from the 2022 AAC in the Cloud Conference, hosted by CoughDrop. In this recorded presentation, SLP Emily Macklin introduces us to tangible symbols for AAC use and provides helpful tips for implementing them throughout the day. You can obtain the handout for this presentation here.  Many thanks to Emily and to CoughDrop for making this important information available. Direct Link to Video – 

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Video of the Week: Maintaining Communication Access & Encouraging Disaster Preparedness

June 29, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Maintaining Communication Access & Encouraging Disaster Preparedness

What supports are needed by individuals who use AAC so that they can communicate effectively when faced with an emergency or disaster? In today’s featured video, we gain insights on this topic from Pam Kennedy, Marcie Roth, Shaylin Sluzalis, and Germán Parodi. Many thanks to the presenters as well as to USSAAC and ISAAC for making this webinar possible and sharing the recording. Direct Link to Video –   

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Video of the Week: Funding for AAC

June 22, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Funding for AAC

How are AAC devices paid for? Who is eligible for funding for speech-generating devices? What is the process of obtaining funding to purchase AAC equipment? How can we get started? AAC SLP Carolyn Buchanan, clinical instructor at the University of Central Florida and Regional Coordinator of the FAAST Atlantic Regional Demonstration Center, answers those questions and more in today’s featured video.  Many thanks to Carolyn and FAAST for this helpful information.   Direct Link to Video – . 

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Video of the Week: Communication Access to Justice

June 8, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Communication Access to Justice

Learn about the ways that Canada promotes access to justice through the use of Communication Intermediaries (CIs) for individuals with AAC needs and other communication disabilities. In today’s featured video, SLP Caitlin Buchel explains the way that trained CIs to provide accommodations and other supports within the legal, police, corrections, and justice services in Canadian society. Many thanks to Caitlin, Communication Access to Justice (CAJust), Communication Disabilities Access Canada (CDAC), ISAAC Canada, and ISAAC International for their role in supporting this important work and making the webinar recording available to us all. There is a lot for us all to learn from this archived presentation, AAC friends. Direct Link to Video – 

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Video of the Week: Empowered Families in the World of AAC

May 25, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Empowered Families in the World of AAC

How can parents become empowered advocates for their children who use AAC? In today’s featured video Dr. Priscilla Danielson of Rocky Mountain University shares her perspective on advocacy, empowerment, and complex communication needs. This video is an archived presentation from the Family Links Digital Conference hosted by the Utah Parent Center. Many thanks to the conference organizers and Dr. Danielson for making this helpful information available. Direct Link to Video –

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Video of the Week: Goal Writing for AAC

May 18, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Goal Writing for AAC

Even experienced clinicians and educators sometimes struggle in writing goals for children and adults who are learning to use AAC. In today’s featured video, we learn from AAC SLP Katie Threlkeld who reviews a 5-step process for identifying target skill areas and writing goals for skill acquisition. Many thanks to Katie and Forbes AAC for this helpful information. Direct Link to Video – 

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Video of the Week: AAC Support for People with ALS

May 11, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC Support for People with ALS

How can we help people with ALS go beyond the basics of communication and use AAC in ways that allow them to connect fully and deeply with others? In today’s featured video, Nachum Lehman and Eddy Erhlich discuss an approach to supporting AAC in people with ALS used by Bridging Voice, a US non-profit organization that provides virtual AAC support to people with ALS.  Many thanks to Nachum, Eddy, and Bridging Voice for making and sharing this helpful presentation.   Direct Link to Video – 

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Video of the Week: Equitable Health Access to Health Care for AAC Users

April 6, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Equitable Health Access to Health Care for AAC Users

Although systems of delivering healthcare vary widely around the globe, even the strongest systems put AAC users at a disadvantage. In today’s featured video, public health professional Donnie TC Denome helps us understand these important and complex issues so that we can provide stronger advocacy and better support to those who use AAC.   You can obtain the handout for this session here.  This is an archived session from AAC in the Cloud, a free online AAC conference hosted by CoughDrop. Many thanks to Donnie and the fine team at CoughDrop for this impactful session.   Direct Link to Video –   

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Video of the Week: Addressing Barriers to AAC Learning

March 30, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Addressing Barriers to AAC Learning

How can we overcome the many barriers to AAC learning? In today’s featured video, Erin Sheldon offers a fresh perspective on this topic. Reframing the barriers and our role in addressing them leads us to creative solutions with practical applications for families and professionals. This is an archived presentation hosted by ECHO Voices of the Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP). We are grateful to OTAP and Erin for this important and thought-provoking presentation. You can access the handouts for this session here. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video –

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