Tag Archive: Padlet

Tracking Natural Speech Changes in AAC: PrAACtical Suggestions

November 16, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Tracking Natural Speech Changes in AAC: PrAACtical Suggestions

Let’s face it: No matter how much some of us love the AAC field, nothing makes us happier than hearing the natural speech of our prAACtical friends. Initially, it’s a good idea to capture the oral output of our AAC learners so that what we have a baseline of their productions. That can serve as a point of comparison later on when we want to look at how the student is changing over time. Didn’t do a baseline measure at the start of treatment or the school year? It’s nothing to stress about, but put this on your radar and consider gathering the information now so that you have it to work with later on. Here are some thoughts on moving forward. What to Track Track the sounds your student can produce: Complete a phonetic inventory by keeping a list of all the consonants and vowels the AAC learner has produced.... [Read More...]

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