Five AAC-related Assessment Tools You Should Know About

It’s the beginning of a new semester for us, and that got us thinking about assessment for our new and returning clients with AAC needs. Here are some of the tools we’ll be thinking about over the next few weeks.
- AAC Profile: A Continuum of Learning (Kovach, 2009)
- Checklist of Communication Competencies, Revised (Bloomberg, West, Johnson, & Iacono, 2009)
- Functional Communication Profile, Revised (Kleiman, 2003)
- Social Networks: A Communication Inventory for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs and Their Partners (Blackstone & Hunt Berg, 2012)
- The Test of Aided-Communication Symbol Performance (TASP; Bruno, 2010)
Blackstone, S., & Hunt Berg, M. (2012). Social Networks: A Communication Inventory for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs and Their Communication Partners. Verona, WI: Attainment.
Bloomberg, K., West, D., Johnson, H., & Iacono, T. (2009). Triple C Manual and Checklists, Revised. SCOPE: Victoria.
Bruno, J. (2010). Test of Aided-Communication Symbol Performance. Pittsburgh, PA: Dynavox Mayer Johnson.
Kleiman, L. (2003). Functional Communication Profile, Revised. East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems
Kovach, T.M. (2009). AAC Profile: A Continuum of Learning. East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: assessment, testing, tests
This post was written by Carole Zangari
I also use the Communication Matrix by Dr. Charity Rowland, revised in 2004.
Susan, that’s one of our favorites! Thanks for taking the time to add your comment. Much appreciated!!
I would love to add the FREE and useful AAC Assessment Tools for Aphasia developed by Kathryn L. Garrett, Ph.D., CCC-SLP and Joanne Lasker, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Also if anyone is interested I have a tool called ALS Functional Communication Scale (ALS-FCS) that I am happy to share with those who work with patients with ALS. It generates G-Code scores for a pALS’ baseline status, projected goals, and post-visit status. What I like about it is that it allows me to document the improvement following AAC intervention by recognizing functional abilities not just noting declining speech abilities. If you would like a copy just shoot me an email. I am happy to share it and eager for feedback.
Thanks for your comment and suggestion, Amy. Emailing you now. 🙂
I’m looking for evidence based practice with report writing and recommendations (e.g., how many recommendations to give/trial) and any other strategies. Do you know of any websites/books to refer to?
Jen, you might want to look at the ASHA evidence maps Also, there is a book on EBP in AAC by Ralf Schlosser that may be helpful.